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How much would car insurance have to go up by - before you drive uninsured?

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Car insurance is a rip off, it is also a tax, but not one for communal good one for the benefit of private companies.


I don't think I'll be paying for insurance, I'd rather get fined in court and/or jailed. You get fed quite well, better than you could feed yourself if you paid car insurance.

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Car insurance is a rip off, it is also a tax, but not one for communal good one for the benefit of private companies.


I don't think I'll be paying for insurance, I'd rather get fined in court and/or jailed. You get fed quite well, better than you could feed yourself if you paid car insurance.


I have been hit by an uninsured car. Not as a driver, as a pedestrian. He lost control and mounted the pavement. Had he been insured, I may well have been given substantial compensation for my extremely serious injuries. Insurance is expensive, but could you really live with yourself if you seriously injured, or even killed someone, and you could not even try to recompense them?

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I have been hit by an uninsured car. Not as a driver, as a pedestrian. He lost control and mounted the pavement. Had he been insured, I may well have been given substantial compensation for my extremely serious injuries. Insurance is expensive, but could you really live with yourself if you seriously injured, or even killed someone, and you could not even try to recompense them?


I wouldn't be happy about accidentally killing someone if I was insured or not.


If I had insurance I wouldn't compensate them, my insurers would.

If I didn't, I would not compensate them either.


I'm beginning to think we should have no insurance whatsoever and instead we should increase petrol taxation to fund the NHS.


If I kill someone in a car, or if I am killed by someone in a car, the NHS are going to be the ones picking up the pieces. I don't want an insurance company profiting out of this.


A relative of mine was killed by a driver, who was insured, but he was travelling at 80mph+ in a 40 zone. My relative died, he got a small fine and the insurers valued my relatives life at about £20k.


People driving carelessly and killing others should be jailed, if it is a genuine accident then let them off entirely, get the injured to a hospital prompto and hope they survive.


For £20k I'd have rather the driver was jailed for 6 months (if its still 40k per year to keep a prisoner)

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If I kill someone in a car, or if I am killed by someone in a car, the NHS are going to be the ones picking up the pieces. I don't want an insurance company profiting out of this.


And how are you going to recompense the family for their sudden loss of income, and/or pay the long term care costs of someone you leave permanently disabled?

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And how are you going to recompense the family for their sudden loss of income, and/or pay the long term care costs of someone you leave permanently disabled?


People don't.


The NHS absorbs the care costs, and DWP can sort out the income.


If you kill a single unemployed person, perhaps the DWP should pay you?

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People don't.


The NHS absorbs the care costs, and DWP can sort out the income.


If you kill a single unemployed person, perhaps the DWP should pay you?


The NHS does not provide full time care services unless admitted to a continuing care home and then only if a family are deemed unable to contribute. Family members are often expected to give up their jobs leading to a double loss of income. DWP isn't going to cover that loss.


The long and short of it is that compensation serves a purpose, very little of it is for 'pain and suffering'. No one should have to suffer significant financial loss because someone else was too irresponsible to get insurance. There's a reason why third party insurance is compulsory.

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I am shocked at the increase in beer prices and am considering shoplifting my beer from now on. It's tough on the shopkeeper, the same as stealing money from his wallet, but what am I supposed to do if the price of something is more than I am willing to pay? Well?



Simple - go without!

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Damn why pay for owt, just nick what you want and pay for nowt. If you consume you pay. Don't drive a car and you will have loads of wonga. Scum will always drive with no insurance in any circumstance. It is uninsured drivers that bump up premiums any how. Dob em in or trash thier car and watch them weep. They aint insured cos they are freeloadin scum.

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