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Idiots who can't take their drink.

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I stopped going out on New years eve a long time ago ,as come teatime most people are half cut ,and you can gaurantee come late evening they will think they are Ricky Hatton .


A few cans in the house to see in the new year is a much more pleasant evening in my opinion, ( and a much cheaper one too).


Dont worry about Hatton-worry about this un


Hatton floored by brutal Pacquiao



Hatton suffered the second defeat of his career

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Its getting bad when you have to stay in christmas eve and new years eve cos of some divvys, doesnt matter where you go netherthorpe, hillsborough here is always someone fighting and trouble you get it anywhere you go, it does spoil the night though and put some people off.

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I remember some great nights out in Donny in my youthful days 30+ years ago. A group of us lasses could do 19 pubs in the evening then finish off in an Indian restaurant but we never saw or started any aggro. We just enjoyed our night out, disco dancing round our handbags, sitting on the kerb outside KFC cos they wouldn't let us all in together. There were some pubs we knew not to go in and there were always a couple of cop cars cruising around. But fighting? glassing? vandalism? Not us lasses. When did this all go wrong?

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That's why you shouldn't go out on Christmas/New Years Eve.


Unless I was working, I've gone out most New Years Eves for the last 40 years. The only time I have seen any trouble was in Crookes WMC when a gang of friends fell out with each other and started fighting amongst themselves.

Other than that I've had nothing but good times in most of the pubs round Crookes, Walkley. Upperthorpe and Netherthorpe on NYE.:)

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Interesting to read your comments Medusa, a very good friend of mine is a retired Police Officer, and a strict teetotaller and if you ask him why he will tell you that during his long service he saw so much violence, serious injury domestic disputes caused by alcohol he prefers to leave drink alone

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his is exactly the reason I don't go out into town on New Years. I'll go for a night out any night of the week usually and will see no trouble but certain people seem to think New Years Eve means starting at the pub at 1pm and drinking all day. Add to that bars charging to get in, 20 deep queues at the bar and the total anti-climax of New Year I'm glad I stayed in.


We went out on west st last night and found it to be no busier than a normal saturday night, which was very surprising considering it was nye!

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I cannot stand the way some people get through drinking and then seem to think their acts are OK because they can blame the drink. I'm 20 and although I do like to go out for a couple, I prefer to stay local where there are less idiots (although you still get them!) than in and around town. I don't think I've ever been drunk on West St simply because I prefer to be careful and not get caught up in it all.


I worked last night in my local pub and it was interesting to see everyone so drunk. Most just have a good time and enjoy their night but you always get a few who drink too much and make a complete arse out of themselves.

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