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Aliens The disclosure project

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You have to be pretty ignorant and small-minded to believe that there can't possibly be any more intelligent life than ours in the whole wide massive vast gigantic universe.


It's a really big place, and yet we're STILL discovering new species on our OWN PLANET every day!


The trouble is our own lifeforms aren't always intelligent, many making outrageous claims of Alien abductions and visitations based on Youtube "proof"




(just having a bit of fun, i'm open-minded about such things)

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Oh well nevermind maybe I am going mad !!!!!!!! but sadly no one can be arsed to do the research so it is easy to dismiss any evidence that may exsist.

Cased closed on this Xfile




I believe you, i said so in my first post on this thread, i have witnessed something which leaves me in no doubt as to their exsistance

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I like to think that there's others out there, why wouldn't there be? think logically, due to the sheer size of everything, mathematically there has to be at least a few other civilisations out there, some less advanced than us, some more.. people who think were the only ones anywhere must be really self centred...


Why would they visit us? why not?.. why do we explore the oceans, or the moon?... out of interest, maybe to see if they can learn anything from us, our way of life etc (like we have done with animals)


theres any number of reasons as to why we might be visited, and I know that if we had the capability, we would visit other planets too.. less advanced than us would be easier because we wouldn't be at as much risk, and its easier to hide.


so yes, I believe there's something else out there.

Yes I believe we COULD have been visited, or even still are.

Abductions i'm still greatly skeptical on however, but can see the possibility and probable reasons for it happening (after all, we take animals from the wild to study them)

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... mathematically there has to be at least a few other civilisations out there, ...


It's known as the Drake equation wiki.


Drake equation BBC4



That program would almost be funny if I didn't know that loads of people would actually buy that nonsense. :(


Is that such a bad idea if some stretch their imagination to think about new ideas and end up developing radical new technologies? (As long as they don't sit next to me with their tin foil hats!) (Oh, but then again i'm probably classed as a Treki!)

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They are here , the evidence avialble today particulary on youtube for everyone to research will provide most level headed people 1 conclusion.


The american goverment wants tactical advancements in technology before other countries thus keeping aliens a secret is in the interest of national security.


A more level headed approach is needed on this subject. People have been seeing gods / angels / demons / UFOs since the birth of man, and it's highly unlikely they are beings from another world visiting us in their thousands...


It's far FAR more likely that this is just another of man's desperate desires to believe in something beyond the mundane (like psychics, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena). Man does have the propensity to manifest his desires and people will see what they want to.


The supposed reports that give proof of aliens have been dismissed as the military quite successfully using distraction techniques to avoid the public learning the truth of a situation.


It's a certainty that there are countless life forms in our galaxy; it's probably teeming with life, but to suggest aliens come here on a regular basis and are seen by so many people - that's just ludicrous.


It's a lovely idea to think aliens visit us like we would go on safari, but I highly doubt that any civilisation so technologically advanced would find much merit in such an activity.

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I've concocted a theory relating to the alien conspiracy.


Basically, if aliens are here they don't want us to know that they are here or they would land on the White House lawn and proclaim that they come in peace.


So it's safe to assume that they want their prescience to remain hidden, remember that to travel here the aliens must have a technology that we can only dream of, so what do these aliens do to keep their presence hidden?


They fly around at night with all their lights on! With their technological prowess you'd think that they'd have invented an off switch for their lights, maybe we can sort out some kind of technological exchange.

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Just to mention a few people who have had first hand knowledge about ufo's . Philip j corsoe, who was part of the team who helped reverse engineer technology that came from the downed craft at roswel. Technology gained includes printed cirkit boards, fibre optics, night vision goggles, bullet proof vests , lasers. Check him out on you tube it's all there. Another man who is also very interesting is Bob Dean who was involved with nato cosmic top secret stuff. Come on ! pass coment when you have checked things out.

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