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Aliens The disclosure project

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Do you believe in the afterlife and ghosts?

What about heaven and hell?


I keep an openmind,not sure i believe as such,or in that context,i try to look beyond things i cant logically explain.....as for heaven and hell,i tend to treat anything from a bible as suspicious,so much knowledge and so many satements lay locked away in the vatican,you have to wonder why its never been released...and why the vatican tries so hard to supress certain information,especially in the case of st john,who afterall was one of jesus closest friends and confidants

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makes me laph reading things like this and how silly people can be dont u relise news and media are run buy the goverments we get told wot thay want us to no we are just sheep take the time to look at the evedence around u before u slag u tube off remember its a good place were things arnt monated or wasnt starting to along with a internet kill swich

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I don't believe in the whole "aliens are attacking" kinda thing, or UFOs, however...

I believe that out of every potential planet that orbits every star we see, other universes and stuff like that... We can't be the only life form. I am unsure as to whether we are the most progressed/intellectual life form, but I do believe there has to be other living beings out there which we cannot yet (or maybe ever) make contact with.


At above, I think your post may be taken more seriously if you were to use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. (Had to get in there before the REAL grammar police jump on their bicycles and run your backside over.)

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makes me laph reading things like this and how silly people can be dont u relise news and media are run buy the goverments we get told wot thay want us to no we are just sheep take the time to look at the evedence around u before u slag u tube off remember its a good place were things arnt monated or wasnt starting to along with a internet kill swich



And because its not monitored it means that any nutter can post up what they like, true or not.

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Well I have to say it is great to read "nutters post" he is man on my wave length, someone else who is capable of seeing through the smokescreen and making good judgements.

Sadly people just accept what the media tells us and nowt else.

The evidence avialable for you and I to find has certainly left me in know doubt that we are not alone.

People I feel are much happier to believe we are alone and remain sceptical. Look ! read Timothy Goods Book Above Top Secret. Do the research you just may share my views later down the line.

Ufo shuts down chinese airport this one is a recent event check it out.

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Eisenhower met with aliens Edwards Air force Base 1954. This can be researched with witnesses coming forward from different backgrounds, one was electrician who was up a telegraph pole carrying out some work when he noticed the silver disk on the landing strip, other witnesses are military.

Hear the testomony at The Disclosure Project.

My personal belief is we attracted a great deal of attention to ourselves when the Enola Gay dropped the h bomb, and aliens have been monitering what we are up with nuclear weapons ever since, hence they have shut down soffistacated nuclear weopon systems at different locations. This is real ! and has happen but been covered up.

We realy should no the truth, it is are wright to have disclosure and access new technolgies to bring about change to mankind

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After a particularly nice day at Snake Pass Inn, I was riding home on me bike and just after I went through Ashopton I saw a strange light, it was glowing green. I though it was a rave or something so I went to investigate. As I got closer I could see an egg shaped object, thicker at one end. It was undulating green light. There were no windows. I really cannot go any further with the story as I am sure I will be ridiculed. Suffice to say I am a believer I have seen them with my own eyes.

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Eisenhower met with aliens Edwards Air force Base 1954. This can be researched with witnesses coming forward from different backgrounds, one was electrician who was up a telegraph pole carrying out some work when he noticed the silver disk on the landing strip, other witnesses are military.

Hear the testimony at The Disclosure Project.


People swear blind they've seen miracles / Satan / Elvis. Even 'credible' people have said these things.


They're all universally proven to be incorrect.

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