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Aliens The disclosure project

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The so called meeting by Eisenhower is based purely on circumstantial evidence alone. The main protagonist a Mr.Gerald Light who wrote a letter about it was skilled both in clairvoyance and the occult. He also has for sale several books (5) and DVD's about it and he called them Etherians.


Quote: by another writer on ET's Michael E. Salla, PhD


"Light’s supposed meeting has either been the best-kept secret of the twentieth century or the fabrication of an elderly mystic known for out of body experiences."


I know what version I would put my money on and its not from the people who make money duping people into buying their dodgy books about alien visitors.

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Hi Everybody ! Just wondered if anyone on here is interested in aliens and their prescence on this planet, no it's not a wind up !.

A movement in america has got together witnesses from all backgrounds to give their story and testimony of event's, these people include pilots, radar operaters, astronauts, military officials and many other trained observers.

This is a fascinating subject that the media does not ever cover very well as they don't wish us to panick and question our faith ect, if your that way inclined.

Those of you who are interested to know more why not check out this growing organisations web site for more info "THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT" who's aims are to get the goverments particulary america be honest about what is seen and witnessed in the skies.

Have fun

Regards James



Are you aware of the work of Richard Hall of richplanet.net ?

He has a show on SKY ch201 (showcase), friday evenings and repeated through the week.

Some good stuff on there(all to be found also on his website) he's not afraid to speak out and is passionate about getting the government to reveal what they know about UFO's etc.

He's also not scared to speak out for Hollie Grieg and John Hill being one of few to cover their stories.

So you won't get any propaganda crap from him



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Are you aware of the work of Richard Hall of richplanet.net ?

He has a show on SKY ch201 (showcase), friday evenings and repeated through the week.

Some good stuff on there(all to be found also on his website) he's not afraid to speak out and is passionate about getting the government to reveal what they know about UFO's etc.

He's also not scared to speak out for Hollie Grieg and John Hill being one of few to cover their stories.

So you won't get any propaganda crap from him




lol I thought you conspiracy nuts didn't like it when we skeptics lump you all together, you really don't do yourselves any favours!:hihi:

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Oh well nevermind maybe I am going mad !!!!!!!! but sadly no one can be arsed to do the research so it is easy to dismiss any evidence that may exsist.

Cased closed on this Xfile


Doing the research applies both ways, you know.


Take, for example, your mention of Astronaut Edgar Mitchell - you claim he was from Roswell. Now I know for a fact that Roswell is in New Mexico, and that Mitchell was from Texas (I was obsessed with the Apollo space program as a kid). So, a quick bit of research has already shown that was not true. A quick check reveals that his home-town was about 80 miles from Roswell, across the border. Whilst not inconceivable that he may have visited the area, it is akin to saying that you know of everything that happens in Liverpool because you live in Sheffield.


Secondly, he had no direct involvement with the alleged events at Roswell, but had 'heard it from an unnamed source who was involved'. Coincidently, when asked to reveal who the source was he told reporters that the source had passed away. So, no way to substantiate the information then? Oh, but hold on there is another person who has told him the same story, but he cannot reveal who it is as they are an important figure in the Pentagon.


So, basically, he is telling a 'friend of a friend' story - you know, like all those urban myths about insects laying eggs in mouths, or thieves in the night leaving post-it notes saying "Aren't you glad you didn't turn the light on!"


Don't get me wrong, I'm open minded on the subject, but do find it dubious that any intelligent life-form would come to a planet that the occupants can't even tolerate each other on. Having an open mind means taking on board the evidence presented, and then looking for holes in the story yourself. if you find any, then the evidence is not firm. If you don't find any holes, then the evidence is strong. I have yet to find any writings or documentaries which are not filled with holes and unsubstantiated stories on the subject. A youtube video, or a single conspiracy website, are not 'pure evidence of existence of aliens among us'. Using them as a jump of point, and researching the people mentioned in them, historical records, etc. will reveal a lot of it should be taken with a pinch of salt.


Let me finish by mentioning that John Lennon stated that he knew aliens existed and had seen UFOs over New York - but then again he was also quite open about his drug habits. Also Jackie Gleason, the US comic actor, claimed to have been taken on a tour of a secret air force base with a crashed UFO and aliens, by Nixon himself. Then again, he was a notorious alcoholic. Read into them what you wish.

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Just to mention a few people who have had first hand knowledge about ufo's . Philip j corsoe, who was part of the team who helped reverse engineer technology that came from the downed craft at roswel. Technology gained includes printed cirkit boards, fibre optics, night vision goggles, bullet proof vests , lasers. Check him out on you tube it's all there. Another man who is also very interesting is Bob Dean who was involved with nato cosmic top secret stuff. Come on ! pass coment when you have checked things out.


But what about respected UFO researchers such as Karl T. Pflock (author of Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe) who, whilst he believes in the existence of Aliens and UFOs, dismisses the Roswell incident as a man-made craft crashing, and having nought to do with aliens at all? Or William Moore, who was one of the first authors on the subject and initially propagated the theory about Aliens and a UFO crash, but later went on record to dismiss it and stated that it was highly unlikely?


For every person who claims to know "the truth", there are others who claim to have proof that it is all a lie. On both sides are respected researchers, and authors.


Those who choose not to believe are no more sheep than those who read one side of the story and choose to believe it is all true.

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For every person who claims to know "the truth", there are others who claim to have proof that it is all a lie. On both sides are respected researchers, and authors.


Those who choose not to believe are no more sheep than those who read one side of the story and choose to believe it is all true.


Thanks for this, Beaker. This is exactly what I was trying to say - so thanks :)

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Are you aware of the work of Richard Hall of richplanet.net ?

He has a show on SKY ch201 (showcase), friday evenings and repeated through the week.

Some good stuff on there(all to be found also on his website) he's not afraid to speak out and is passionate about getting the government to reveal what they know about UFO's etc.

He's also not scared to speak out for Hollie Grieg and John Hill being one of few to cover their stories.

So you won't get any propaganda crap from him




Yes matey I watch richplanet alot, I would realy enjoy shareing a pint with Richard D Hall, He is very much like me, he is a top bloke very entertaining. I also like listening to the opinions of police officer Gary Hessletine

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Take a look at this if you have'nt aleady. I like it but i suspect it is fake. The reason being at around 6:20 the ship jerks up and down. It gives me the idea the viewer is moving his telescope up and down to keep the subject in shot, but the two stars on the left don't move.


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