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Aliens The disclosure project

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I am talking about miltary witnesses not a clairvoyant .


There are loads of 'quotes' about Neil Armstrong seeing all kinds of things and people claiming all kinds of tosh about aliens and bases.


But I met him and asked him years ago and he said, without a hint of insincerity, that people have over-active imaginations and you shouldn't read too deeply between the lines of what people say.


There will always be conspiracy theories. Personally, we have no power to effect change and no way to uncover 'the truth'; we'll probably never know if anything alien really did happen (which I personally doubt), so why waste time even thinking about it. Sure, it'd be great if there really were ancient structures on the Moon and if aliens had visited us in the past, but until a giant spacecraft crashes into Big Ben, we're totally in the dark.


BTW: I've read loads of books and reports from 'officials' from all kinds of sources including the guy who revealed the 'truth' after his death (so the authorities couldn't get him). No one batted so much as an eyelid and no one really cared about his reports of alien technology and visitations.

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If aliens exist why no attempt to make contact with earthlings? If they're capable of reaching our planet then their intelligence and technology must be light years ahead of ours. Since they're so smart being able to survive in earth's atmosphere would only be a matter of developing the right technology, basically a simple matter for brains as advanced as theirs and their defensive weapons in case of any hostile move against them making ours look like bows and arrows by comparison.


The fact that despite all the reportings of strange objects. lights in the sky etc no one has actually seen or actually communicated with an alien logically leads to the conclusion that they dont exist

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A few years back I was jogging at a school running track. It was a summer evening and the sky was completely clear until a huge multi coloured cloud appeared. It was quite fantastic to look at and I thought it must be a sign of the second coming or something. I and everyone else stood gaping at this strange illuminated cloud for about twenty minutes and a few took off in their cars to get cameras.

When I got home I was raving to the wife about it and then twenty minutes later when the evening news came on there was the cloud. It was no second coming but the result of a succesful missile interception exercise. A missile had been fired from a navy ship far out in the ocean and destroyed by a missile fired from Edwards Air Force base which is about 100 miles from my home. The explosion which occured over the ocean had created the strange cloud.

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If aliens exist why no attempt to make contact with earthlings? If they're capable of reaching our planet then their intelligence and technology must be light years ahead of ours. Since they're so smart being able to survive in earth's atmosphere would only be a matter of developing the right technology, basically a simple matter for brains as advanced as theirs and their defensive weapons in case of any hostile move against them making ours look like bows and arrows by comparison.


The fact that despite all the reportings of strange objects. lights in the sky etc no one has actually seen or actually communicated with an alien logically leads to the conclusion that they dont exist


But our tech is light years ahead of yours! all of earths major technology is actually adapted from ours!


the toaster is a favorite of mine.

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The very idea that there isn't life, as we know it, somewhere in the vastness of outer space, even if its just algae, is just laughable.


Yes that's true, but can algae fly a spaceship?



If you want the real truth then you will have to wait a few years for my book to be published. It tells exactly where these "Aliens" come from, why they visit and what the "Alien" abductions are about.




Garry McKinnon knows what its about, that's why the USA are after him.


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