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Is SF more strict than it used to be?

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If theyre duplicates or threads asking the same question, instead of closing them, why not merge threads and pm the the thread started to say your thread has been merged due to it being a duplicate? I think for a lot of people who lack experience with using message boards, merging and explaining why the merge is much more helpful than just closing the thread. Some people arent aware of the search or how it works (and its doesnt really stand out, though that might be due to the fact youre using a hacked old VB theme)


This isnt my main forum, but its not the only one that uses VBulletin. This is a feature that needs to be used more instead of either closing or deleting threads for no reason.


I know you guys do all the modding in your own time, its appreciated. I do think how the forum is modded could be done in a much more clearer manner considering not everyone who uses the site are not as internet savy as others.


There are reasons as to why some threads aren't merged together. One of those reasons being that posts are put into date and time order. If two threads on the same subject are running at the same time, a merge would not make sense as the questions and replies are not always going to be put together. Not everyone uses the quote feature so a merge would be confusing.


Another purpose of closing rather than merging is that we can leave a link directing them to the search facility. This way many members are aware or reminded of the search facility.

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Before anyone suggests it I am not sucking up to the Mods :shakes: but I think they are doing a great job, over 120 posts and still going ………. There was a time when a thread like this would have been stopped in its tracks.


I agree. Sometimes when old threads are brought back I cant believe what we posted back then.

SF is more strict, but what can the Mods do ? Posters have to abide by the rules,and it is a family forum. Us posters do throw a strop now and again, when we see someone doing the same thing that we have been banned for, and getting away with it.

But ask yourself "Would I like to be a Mod" .My answer is" no way" !!. :)

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I agree. Sometimes when old threads are brought back I cant believe what we posted back then.

SF is more strict, but what can the Mods do ? Posters have to abide by the rules,and it is a family forum. Us posters do throw a strop now and again, when we see someone doing the same thing that we have been banned for, and getting away with it.

But ask yourself "Would I like to be a Mod" .My answer is" no way" !!. :)

I can't imagine you telling someone off Pat. You're far to nice to be a mod. No offence mods:)
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There are reasons as to why some threads aren't merged together. One of those reasons being that posts are put into date and time order. If two threads on the same subject are running at the same time, a merge would not make sense as the questions and replies are not always going to be put together. Not everyone uses the quote feature so a merge would be confusing.


Another purpose of closing rather than merging is that we can leave a link directing them to the search facility. This way many members are aware or reminded of the search facility.


I just think its much neater than having multiple threads. Plus no annoyances that if you do search and to only find the thread you think has the answer is closed and have to wait to search again.


You also get people making threads about 'WHY WAS MY THREAD CLOSED?!?!?!?'

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I just think its much neater than having multiple threads. Plus no annoyances that if you do search and to only find the thread you think has the answer is closed and have to wait to search again.


You also get people making threads about 'WHY WAS MY THREAD CLOSED?!?!?!?'


I agree that it does look much neater if the threads can be merged rather than closed, but as explained that isn't always possible. We do merge them where possible. :)

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Before anyone suggests it I am not sucking up to the Mods :shakes: but I think they are doing a great job, over 120 posts and still going ………. There was a time when a thread like this would have been stopped in its tracks.


And at other times, such as when I can't be about to respond to posts and answer questions, it still may be removed. I just thought that while people are asking sensible questions and I'm around to be able to answer them then there's nothing wrong with the occasional thread to clear the air.


Contrary to popular opinion, the mods don't exist to ruin the fun for everybody else. It's not physically possible to please everyone all of the time, so what we have to do is to plough on with consistent rules and a team of people to handle things as sensitively as possible, complete with an extra team (admins) to moderate the moderators because we are all humans and sometimes mistakes are made.

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Before anyone suggests it I am not sucking up to the Mods :shakes: but I think they are doing a great job, over 120 posts and still going ………. There was a time when a thread like this would have been stopped in its tracks.


I hate to disagree but I think that the reason that this thread has gone on so long is not because of the mods but because the posters have been far more restrained. Back in the day, this type of thread would have attracted some of our less restrained members and would have been shut due to their behaviour and posting style.

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Recently a few of us Sheffield ex pats got off talking about our experiences in America. We are mostly in our senior years and were way off topic. Usually somebody will complain that this is a SHEFFIELD forum, but this time we were allowed to keep talking, and other posters were apparently enjoying it. I have to thank the Mods for their forebearance. We are after all, Shefielders born and bred, glad to be able to talk and stay in touch with our city, even if we're sometimes a little too critical.

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