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Is SF more strict than it used to be?

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He could've used one of the many free forum scripts, that are at least equal to vB and I'd hardly call $275.00 a year (with email & ticket support) "horribly expensive".


I know how much the new search facility program cost, and that had 3 noughts on the end of it to buy and another large amount to licence long term.


Then there's the custom work for the marketplace, and the custom work for the Business Directory, the licensing for the Helpdesk, the server and backup costs...


EDIT- and this is off topic for the thread.

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I know how much the new search facility program cost, and that had 3 noughts on the end of it to buy and another large amount to licence long term.


Then there's the custom work for the marketplace, and the custom work for the Business Directory, the licensing for the Helpdesk, the server and backup costs...


EDIT- and this is off topic for the thread.


I don't think it is really off topic, a valid question on the thread was raised as to who owns the place and where the advertisement money goes, and that question has been answered and is being discussed...


This is a prime example of how different people have differing opinions and views on the subject at hand... and how some mods may seem 'stricter' than others, and some users may seem to 'get away with things' that others don't, it all depends on the section, the mod(s) who see/deal with it, and indeed if its a group or not.


now, to me... the search facility shouldn't have cost three 0's on the end, and the 'custom market place' could have been made by any number of people in the comp and tech chat in their spare time, for much less than it cost or possibly free (for example I made something very similar a while ago, which only took a couple of hours a day for two or three days, and it had much more functionality than this market place..)


either way, I don't feel the forum has got more strict, just the rules are followed closer and tighter than they were say, when I first joined..


This is because there's so many more users, and so many more mods, and the bigger it gets, the more mods there will hae to be and the tighter the rules will be followed and adhered to..

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I hate to disagree but I think that the reason that this thread has gone on so long is not because of the mods but because the posters have been far more restrained. Back in the day, this type of thread would have attracted some of our less restrained members and would have been shut due to their behaviour and posting style.


I havent been restrained , Ive said exactly what I think on this thread.:) With me, what you see is what you get. :)

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I don't think it is really off topic, a valid question on the thread was raised as to who owns the place and where the advertisement money goes, and that question has been answered and is being discussed...


Except that it IS off topic. The thread topic is 'Is SF more strict than it used to be?'


Just because a question is asked mid-thread does not mean it is on-topic.


That's why many threads get into a mess in the first place, because they're allowed to go off-topic. No-one wants to read through several pages of drivel that has no link to the point of the OP - so that's why the Admin and Moderating team remove off-topic discussion as and where appropriate.

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The mods do an excellent job of regulating an increasingly large and diverse forum. They are to be congratulated for contributing their time for free, something which any critics would do well to remember.


I don't think SF is more strict than it used to be. What I suspect has happened is that over the years SF has developed a regulatory culture which is well understood by most users, so that the latter, consciously or not, impose upon themselves a form of self-regulation, in that they know what is likely to be acceptable on SF and what is not. The ones who do not or cannot accept this culture move on or are banned.


One thing I have noticed recently however is that one particular mod, who refers to herself, if I remember rightly, as a 'venomous harridan', seems to be responsible for the closure of more threads than any other mod. I say 'seems', because I have no statistical evidence to support my observation and only visit the Forum sporadically. Moreover, nor do I have any personal axe to grind against her or any other the other mods. I think it inevitable that, given the size of the mod team, some mods will be more proactive and zealous, and a little more heavy-handed, than others in regulating the Forum, so I am not particularly bothered by it.

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