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Is SF more strict than it used to be?

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The thing that really interests me is why the moderators do it? What's in it? I would have thought it's a pretty thankless task being a moderator.


So, does any moderator want to reply? I would be interested to know why you want to be a moderator as it must be very time consuming and probably takes away a lot of the enjoyment of participating in the forum.

Its not totally thankless, we get the occasional message of support to say thanks for how well the Forum is run. Unfortunately they don't happen quite as often as the abusive messages we get. I personally don't mind too much, people get emotive when they feel they have been wronged, they are more likely to pen a message than someone who is satisfied. There isn't much we can do but explain the hows and whys of what happened to those unhappy with an action.


I never set out with the intention of being a moderator on here, let alone one of the Admin Team. You're right on both counts, it is time consuming and with all the behind the scenes stuff I don't have much time to participate in the actual debates anymore, infact when I do I'm a bit of a thread killer, no one responds to threads I take part in. :) However, I wouldn't change things now as I get genuine satisfaction from being a member of this team. When things go well on here it can't be beaten as a local resource. From people helping the old and infirm their medication during the recent cold spell, to users finding a lost pet, to the quite brilliant action in the floods, we have it all.


Everyone who takes part in the Forum makes it what it is, I like to think we get more things right than we get wrong, but some members will of course disagree with that.

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It was a joke Dozy. Do you personally feel that my comment was offensive?


Not so much offensive as in very poor taste. Along with a lot of the regulars on the Pet Group, I've been involved in animal rescue and tend to find jokes about animals suffering not terribly amusing.


Perhaps it's a failing on my part, but I just don't think it was (a) funny or (b) appropriate.


I'm sure that if I went onto the Football forum and said football was a total waste of time and all football fans are neanderthals, in a joking manner, then my post would be quickly removed.

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I started a thread in general discussions a couple of weeks ago.

This was to debate wether there could be an argument for creating another topic between 'general' and 'I'm bored' for threads that fit neither category.

This was rather quickly moved to 'suggestions' .... how can you have a general discussion there?!

My threads can take a while to write as I put some thought into it. I don't think they should be put in 'I'm bored' next to 'ten favourite hamsters'

Neither do they fit in 'general'.

I've had a thread closed down immediately after posting, for no given reason.

Most of my threads get removed to 'I'm bored'

I started a thread on New years eve at about Quarter to midnight (on general), this was to wish everyone on the forum a happy new year.

It wasn't long before a mod said they would allow it for the rest of the night but it would probably be removed to 'celebrations' in the morning! So far as I was concerned I considered it to be mean spirited!

I now feel I'm wasting my time creating threads so I shan't be posting them anymore.

I know other people get fustrated about these things too from PM's.

I realise a lot of people feel my threads to be daft and will be happy to see the back of me, in honesty I just like to make people smile!


I agree with you that threads moved to "I'm Bored" tend to get buried under the weight of the various games in that section and I would much prefer them to stay in General or for there to be a sub-section for frivolous threads.


I went to the suggestions forum to make this point and discovered the thread in question has been closed, because it's considered that there are already enough sections on the Forum!


Please don't stop posting though - the sheer idiocy of some of your threads is pure poetry to me!!

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I be fired in one day being a Mod, I close all the left wing posts and keep all the right wingers on top :hihi:
I know who you really are ' You're that dumb broad from Alaska who says "You Betcha " all the time.
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Thanks for the reply. You seem to have your head screwed on the right way as do several other moderators, but there are some other moderators who view their position as one of authority rather than responsibility, which is really the wrong way round.


Moderating SF is not something I would ever consider doing, but then I would never be asked as I'm definitely not the right type for the job.


Different posters will have varying views of individual moderators and admins. Like in the real world, we feel affinity with some folk more than others.


When I first found Sheffield Forum I thought it was amazing, and I still do. The information and advice that was and is freely given by members was great for someone like me who'd just moved here. The knowledge thats shared about all sorts of things is fantastic. I feel privileged to be part of the team that keeps Sheffield Forum afloat.

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Different posters will have varying views of individual moderators and admins. Like in the real world, we feel affinity with some folk more than others.


When I first found Sheffield Forum I thought it was amazing, and I still do. The information and advice that was and is freely given by members was great for someone like me who'd just moved here. The knowledge thats shared about all sorts of things is fantastic. I feel privileged to be part of the team that keeps Sheffield Forum afloat.


It's a great forum and by and large I personally think the mod team do a fantastic job in difficult circumstances.


But that said I cannot help notice that many mods have posted on the thread and they are all good friendly people.


A couple of mods haven't, and they are the ones with self descriptions which would tend to evoke an SS guard at a concentration camp. If they project a negative image of themselves by choice in their profiles then what are we the user to think of them or their suitability for an authority role?

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<SNIP> congratulations (to all concerned) on letting this thread run:thumbsup:. A welcome change indeed.
I'll second that. Lets keep it civil. Thanks for answering our questions mods, it's a wecome change indeed.
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When I first found Sheffield Forum I thought it was amazing, and I still do. The information and advice that was and is freely given by members was great for someone like me who'd just moved here. The knowledge thats shared about all sorts of things is fantastic.


I agree that what you describe above are the best things about Sheffield Forum. If you want answers to local questions then it's the obvious first choice. So for factual local information it's very good as it is for any questions about local history, especially stuff that is within living memory.


Where it fails is in the area of political discussion. When I first joined I was shocked by how right wing and aggressive the people I share this city with are. I'm also not impressed with the aggression and hatred from the more left wing posters either, even though that's my natural political leaning.


So, I find SF a great resource for local knowledge, but a very poor place for any sort of political debate.

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I don't think SF is strict at all if anything it needs to be more stricter ;)


From my time on SF the threads that get removed normally have gone way off topic from what the purpose of thread was intended for which is fair enough if they get removed. I think the ModMafia :) (joking) do a fantastic job on the Forum. I have said this before but I don't think the Mod Team get the recognition they deserve in the hard work they put it. Part of the success of SF is down to how well it is organised.


What I don't understand is the peeps that slag off the place. Why post.

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