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Is SF more strict than it used to be?

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That's right, because a paper is edited and the journalist is employed. If however someone makes a comment on a forum then it's the person who makes the comment that is liable for libel. There was a case close to home recently, where several 'fans' of some football club made allegations on a website and were tracked down and taken to court.


One mod seems to have a problem with the murder case in Bristol, to the point where you can't repeat what's been said on the news as it might upset someone, somewhere.

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In a debate where people are discussing various methods of torture?


More the opposite (people are using the site). No one is forced to visit/log in, it's all about personal choice.


SF wouldn't exist without Joe public who continually gets harassed and insulted by other users (take note) but without whom there wouldn't be any advertisers.


You are right about personal choice though.


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I havent read the thread so this post is unconnected to any post made here.


The place goes through phases and at times it appears that the mods are humourless monsters, ever hungry for the opportunity to ban someone or delete a thread or post and at other times they appear to be benign angels who put up with just about everything posted.



Its a personal thing though, when we`re being good little boys and girls the mods dont hassle us so theyre the good guys. Especially when youre in the good books and see someone being banned for being naughty.


When WE do something wrong though they do their job and then to us they appear to be unfair horrors who only want to make our lives a misery and wreck the forum.


Theyre doing a job, they dont make the rules, they just follow them, if they didnt then they wouldnt be mods for very long.


Fact of the matter is its very hard to be banned from here, Ive been stinking the place up for years now and been banned only once or twice and one of those bannings was accidental and the other one was well deserved. A ban isnt the end of the world though, even a so-called "Life ban" because theyre reasonable people and are always open to discussion/blackmail/grovelling/apologies so a life ban doesnt neccessarily have to mean a ban for life.


Just stick to the rules- or use brinkmanship like I do. I love to totter along the border between decency and vileness (or rather I used to, I dont use the forum much these days) and as long as youre on the good side of the line then there should be no problems.


If you cant stay nice then there are other fora out there that might welcome you- or like me, use Facebook. I can be as vile as I like on there and if people dont like it they can delete me.


Call this place whatever you want, but its still by far the best forum there is.

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One mod seems to have a problem with the murder case in Bristol, to the point where you can't repeat what's been said on the news as it might upset someone, somewhere.


Actually, what I've written on that thread is my personal opinion. I haven't moderated that thread in any way, shape or form because I've posted on it. I'm entitled to post my opinion on threads I do not moderate so please don't accuse me of being the one enforcing what is being said on that subject because it has nothing to do with me.


With regard to the retitling of the thread - The newspapers and news sites were very careful with their wording, saying only that a '65 year old man, reported to be (i.e. by some busybody down the street) the victims landlord'. The police never named the suspect they had arrested. If we can rely on forummers to use the same legal disclaimers (i.e. reported as, allegedly and so on) we wouldn't have to delete posts or reword titles.

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Actually, what I've written on that thread is my personal opinion. I haven't moderated that thread in any way, shape or form because I've posted on it. I'm entitled to post my opinion on threads I do not moderate so please don't accuse me of being the one enforcing what is being said on that subject because it has nothing to do with me.


With regard to the retitling of the thread - The newspapers and news sites were very careful with their wording, saying only that a '65 year old man, reported to be (i.e. by some busybody down the street) the victims landlord'. The police never named the suspect they had arrested. If we can rely on forummers to use the same legal disclaimers (i.e. reported as, allegedly and so on) we wouldn't have to delete posts or reword titles.



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That came out as common knowledge and was reported as fact by the press much later than the time that the thread was posted on SF. At the stage when the thread was posted the press were still saying that a 65 year old man who was named locally as the landlord had been arrested. There's a difference between stating it as fact and stating that others say that it's true.

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