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Is SF more strict than it used to be?

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The reason that thread was closed is stated in the thread:


"We have a forum rule against just posting a link with no discussion or point from the OP of the thread.


It's not on to just expect people to click a link when they have no idea what is contained or even whether that link is safe"


The OP simply posted a YouTube link and asked people to comment, which is what the issue was.

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I was a bit surprised to see the Holocaust denial thread closed, this one:




It smacks of political censorship. I'm not a Holocaust denier and I believe that there was a Nazi programme to kill Jews and other groups that they disapproved of. However I think that people should be free to view the historical evidence from both sides and make their minds up themselves.


The threads about 9/11 and 7/7 are allowed to run and rightly so. Why not those from Holocaust deniers too? The pretext of closing the thread as it posted a link with no explanation doesn't hold water as the thread title explains the nature of the video.


I don't like being in the position of defending Holocaust deniers, but I'll always stand up for free speech.

There isn't a position from which you could defend a Holocaust denier. The Holocaust did happen, so why not respect the memory of those who perished instead of disrespecting it for the sake of a pointless debate.
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There isn't a position from which you could defend a Holocaust denier. The Holocaust did happen, so why not respect the memory of those who perished instead of disrespecting it for the sake of a pointless debate.


I like most others 100% agree with you about the holocaust, but your missing teh point, until SF's censorship is relaxed and threads are allowed to flow and it is driven by its contributors rather than its administrators, then this forum wil only attract even more trolls and deter others.

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The thread was not closed because it was about the Holocaust, it was closed because it's not a discussion thread if the OP doesn't state their own point of view or join in with the discussion and only says 'watch the link'.


When people just post links that makes people have to watch the link in order to join in with the discussion and our feedback shows that many people don't like to click links unless they know what they contain or that they are safe to click.


There's also a much larger chance that the thread is just a cut and paste spam discussion attempt from someone with an agenda they want to push. We don't want to play a part in that, but if you want to have a discussion, share your own views and debate with others then that's a different matter.

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The thread was not closed because it was about the Holocaust, it was closed because it's not a discussion thread if the OP doesn't state their own point of view or join in with the discussion and only says 'watch the link'.


When people just post links that makes people have to watch the link in order to join in with the discussion and our feedback shows that many people don't like to click links unless they know what they contain or that they are safe to click.


There's also a much larger chance that the thread is just a cut and paste spam discussion attempt from someone with an agenda they want to push. We don't want to play a part in that, but if you want to have a discussion, share your own views and debate with others then that's a different matter.



The poster titled the thread Auschwitz..What are your views


Then they posted:


The Truth or Lies !!


This opened my eyes.


Followed by the link to the YouTube video which I won't repeat here.


Can there be anyone on SF who wouldn't realise that the link was to a Holocaust denial video? Please credit SF users with enough intelligence to realise that.


I'll declare my own interest. I have a friend from way back who I got back in contact with via Facebook. In the years since we had last met he became a Holocaust denier and he sent me a load of links to these kind of videos.


I watched them.


I was glad I watched them because I now know the arguments that Holocaust deniers use and can argue more effectively against them. It's the same with the 9/11 and 7/7 denier videos. They should be watched and analysed rather than suppressed.

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I think there are a couple of big problems with the forum at present.


1) Some mods abuse their power.


I have responded to a certain mods comments in the past in an acceptable fashion and had each and everyone deleted.


I even went to the extreme of taking screenshots but the help desk didn't want to know. I have even been banned a few times with no reason given and no response from the help desk. One user had attacked me personally time and time again as well as being racist and trying to insight violence in threads and he's never been banned for it.


2) removing threads without any explanation.


The amount of threads on a daily basis that people start asking where their thread has gone is rising.


This is due to mods removing comments and not bothering to inform the user as to why and it's It would take seconds to leave a note on the thread and lock it.


I personally don't agree with all this libel rubbish as the times the excuse has been used there's nothing remotely slanderous in the comments.


no doubt this comment will be removed and therefore prove my point.

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I think mods should have a limited term in power, because, as they say, power corrupts.

Some of them do (seem) to have let the power go to their heads and now feel they don't have to justify their actions or even explain themselves to us mere mortals.

I've seen it happen on lots of other forums.

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I have responded to a certain mods comments in the past in an acceptable fashion and had each and everyone deleted.


I even went to the extreme of taking screenshots but the help desk didn't want to know. I have even been banned a few times with no reason given and no response from the help desk. One user had attacked me personally time and time again as well as being racist and trying to insight violence in threads and he's never been banned for it.

Responding to moderator warning notes to state you disagree with the decision is not acceptable in any form. That is what the Admin Team is there for. If you disagree with the decision you must contact us through the Help Desk for us to be able to review it.


A ban reason is given with every ban, the moderators have to select from a drop down list, there isn't a blank option. That has been in existence for as long as I have been on the moderating team. Again, all of your tickets have been responded too, you have corresponded with us through the Help Desk.


How do you know that a user was banned or not? We don't discuss bans with anyone but the account holder themselves and certainly don't make a list public.


This is due to mods removing comments and not bothering to inform the user as to why and it's It would take seconds to leave a note on the thread and lock it.

This isn't always possible, sometimes the thread can not remain on the Forum. We specifically ask that the moderators don't inform users when a thread has been removed, the user must contact the Help Desk to discuss any issues they have with moderation. The moderating team all give their free time to help with the smooth running of the Forum, we would like to maximise this time. PMing users and having to deal with any responses would reduce the amount of time available for other actions. This will not be changing.


I personally don't agree with all this libel rubbish as the times the excuse has been used there's nothing remotely slanderous in the comments.
You don't have to agree with it, but you have to comply with the rules if you wish to use the Forum.
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If you have a query about specific threads please either report it so the moderating team can action as appropriate, or contact the HD. We don't want this thread to get bogged down in queries about specific threads.

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