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Is SF more strict than it used to be?

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As an Assistant Moderator I'll chuck my 2p worth in.


I can't really comment on egos or banning as I don't get involved in that. Most of the work I do involves tidying up, removing comments that are not family friendly, moving threads to the sections of the Forum where they really belong, leaving 'please stop arguing' messages to try to stop bickering and if something does become out of hand I'll generally drop a PM to those involved or will ask for asssitance from a Moderator.


Rather than barging in I'll recognise when a Moderator is needed. This is usually where I suspect that a banned user has arrived to cause trouble or if a thread has potential legal issues. Fortunately most of the time when I do log in there are few problems.


The Groups are a different area where Group Leaders take control of their areas. Apart from advertisers and a few Chinese wedding dress spammers I've had few problems over there.


At the end of the day, we do our best and we're all open to advice and guidance. We hold our hands up if we are wrong and welcome any input that is given.


Ultimately we try to work together to make this site a useful discussion and information site. I hope that most recognise that this is our purpose, I think they do.

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5 posts, in as many minutes last night:suspect:;)

11 posts removed in total out of a possible 323. One was due to it being a duplicate post, two were removed due to a duplicate user returning and posting rubbish, all the rest due to users discussing items we said we weren't willing to discuss. Barely is a reasonable description.

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Seems quite a few folks feel (some?) mods are some sort of power/ego trip.


What makes you (people who hold that view) feel that way, is it because they delete posts/threads/ban users? ;)


...and apologies if I've come across like that, not the intention!

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11 posts removed in total out of a possible 323. One was due to it being a duplicate post, two were removed due to a duplicate user returning and posting rubbish, all the rest due to users discussing items we said we weren't willing to discuss. Barely is a reasonable description.
What was it that you weren't willing to discuss?, I must have missed it. I ask to avoid making the same mistake.
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I don't think it's strict enough personally in some instances.


Rules are rules if you can't comply why should people have to spell it out and continually refresh peoples memories.

Bad language,swearing,abuse and insults shouldn't be allowed regardless fo circumstance.

Should be 1 infraction then a ban imho - but i'm in a minority of 1.

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I can imagine people feeling upset if they've been banned if they weren't given warning or felt the banning was unjust. I don't have the power to ban so can't really comment on what goes on in this department.


I expect if someone has put a lot of thought into a post only to have it deleted as part of a cull of a range of posts which quote or refer to an unsuitable post they'd be upset. I must admit feeling bad for some members when I've removed their posts for this reason.


It's also human nature to feel envy or annoyance towards someone who has powers that they don't have and in a world where we're all very steered and controlled by a ruling power in our lives it's expected that there will be some criticism of decisions made. As I wrote above, we can only ever do our best to keep a fair balance.

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I think when an emotive subject is discussed people will be angered at their post, or point of view seemingly being disregarded. I have been banned before for a lengthy period because I felt a mod was shielding another user who made offensive remarks. Had I calmed down at the time and looked properly I would have seen that the others users remarks were removed and mine were removed too because of me quoting them. I then proceeded to “have a go” at the mod in question who actually was just doing their job. At the time I felt so angry as I felt my views were being ignored over someone I felt was genuinely offensive but I was wrong to blame the mod for anything other than doing their job. Ahhhh hindsight, you wonderful thing

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It wasn't a criticism mate (though reading it I do agree it looks that way). I guess I was pointing to a selection of mods that had been 'chosen'. I think some would agree they would much prefer a choice of mods that at least have people and communication skills rather than sitting behind a screen clicking on their thread actions and ban user abilities.


I agree with some posts on here stating that the 'selection' has resulted in 'I have the power' ego's showing their ugly heads, whether this has been due to members 'colliding' in discussions I really don't know.


As an 'older' member I accept that change happens and you live with it but I'm also a fan of the saying 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'


I've met (all be it briefly in some cases) at least 200/250 members via this forum and I will confidently say that some would agree with some of what I say and that some of the measures brought in have been pointless and serve little or no purpose.


As you state, this is ruled forum and you apply these how you see fit.

I honestly don't believe that of any of the moderating team are like that. I guess some people only see the message they put forwards sometimes, not the person behind the message. If you saw the amount of dedication that each moderator puts into each decision, and the stuff they ask for advice on I believe you wouldn't feel that way either.

No moderator is intentionally abrasive, but perhaps things can come across that way if you are the person a decision has been made against. I doubt very much we can do anything about that though. For it to happen we'd either need no more moderators, or be in a situation where everyone was capable of moderating themselves. This certainly isn't the case. I'm not easily offended, but some of the vileness that is posted (and removed) would make you question humanity. You may think I'm being exaggerative on this, but I have no reason to lie.

I have no doubt that people will fully agree with what you say, it’s a valid opinion. Ultimately though (and I'm sorry if this sounds dismissive of your points, it isn't meant to be) we don't ask that users like or respect every member of the moderating team. All we ask is that the users comply with the requests that the moderator puts forward. If they don't agree with a decision they are welcome to contact the Admin Team to discuss it. Posting on a thread to disagree with a moderator is the fastest way to get your account banned and will continue to be. The moderators give their free time to do this, they shouldn't be abused for it, if you want to abuse someone do it to us at the Help Desk. :)

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