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Is SF more strict than it used to be?

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I thought we were drawing a line under how the Group Leaders action a group, and how this isn't comparable to the main sections of the Forum?
We have. We're discussing whether passionate interest grouprs should have their own private mods.
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I'm active on a number of fora (just done a quick count and it's over 20!...must get out more...) and the Sheffield Forum is by far the most over-moderated of them all, and I do not feel they are doing this effectively. Threads, which should blatantly be removed, are allowed to continue where other threads get deleted.

As requested above, please report any post which you feels breaks the rules of the Forum.


I'm a bit at a loss with your comments though Oddgitt. How can we be over-moderated yet not remove all threads that you feel should be removed?

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Would you visit the football section to discuss cricket?

Wishing death to pets for instance isn't what the group is about. Similalry if i'm honest people bitching continually about dog poo isn't for the pet section.(but thats just my opinion)

Displaying that type of opinion would be for the main board.


Is wishing death on those that hurt animals more preferable?

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We have. We're discussing whether passionate interest grouprs should have their own private mods.

No, that is where the discussion has ended up, it is not where it started from. However, I can confirm that this is not something that we will be looking at.

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There's nothing hypocritical about having different codes of conduct in different areas of a large forum.


What exactly is your problem with some areas of a forum being designated for robust argument and others a pleasant chat/circle jerk? Is it really beyond you to understand that a particular behaviour can be approppriate depending upon where you are?


Yes. Beause as proved, the rules apply to me regardless of where I am.

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Solely going off how often I'm banned (pretty regularly early then not for several years) SF is considerably less strict than it used to be. Though I reckon this difference is more down to a specific mod & his hypothetical vendetta carrying wife leaving the site than a general change.

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Yes. Beause as proved, the rules apply to me regardless of where I am.

Where was this proved? You regularly see posts in 'General Discussion which would get closed sharpish in special interest sections, take for example the assorted threads on religion which wouldn't last 5 minutes in the Cathedral section and rightly so.

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It's no use trying to put the blame entirely on the user's doorstep. Especially when the rules (as they stand) are rather vague, ambiguos and open to interpretation (what one mode sees as a breach, another won't - witness some of the religious threads).


But not all threads and posts are like that - 90% are simple insults &swearing & should be removed imho. However if i don't see them i can't action it. Some others don't mind swearing although it is in the rules to be removed.

Dupe users should be banned, post boosters should be banned. In fact i'd ban

everybody :hihi:

They're the ones we spend so much time chasing around.

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