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Is SF more strict than it used to be?

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Well I've never had any response to either of them?

Then as mentioned above it is very likely that your mail box sent the message directly to your spam folder. If you still have the ticket numbers you should be able to login and view them.

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No problems here! I raised or had issues, all handled reasonably and sensibly for how I see a fair forum operating.


The only thought I have is that it seems some users appear to have their go to mods, but that's me probably seeing patterns where they aren't really connected! Either way, in reality it's all valid.


I for one think the mods do a good job and offer my thanks. Happy new year!

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as an assistant mod, I see and experience both sides of this story..


I moderate the Tech chat forum, and have users complaining directly to me when I remove or edit posts, asking for reasons etc, they usually accept my reasons and its all sorted... I have only ever (up to now) had one 'awkward' user who turned abusive via Private Message.


Then there's me posting in other sections of the forum, where I have no moderator capability, such as the Sheffield General thread... I posted there on new years day about 12:30-12:45, just a general thread that I didn't see broke any rules.. the thread was removed and I didn't get a reason for removal and there's no trace of the thread remaining that I can see..


There was a time that when a thread was removed, you got a Private Message with a reason for removal, it would be nice if this was still the case, otherwise how are people going to learn the rules? such as, I would like to know which rule I broke because I can't think what it could be.


so you see, I get both sides of this story, and can appreciate the moderators view, and the users view, and I must say, they are as bad as each other if i'm fair.

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There was a time that when a thread was removed, you got a Private Message with a reason for removal, it would be nice if this was still the case, otherwise how are people going to learn the rules? such as, I would like to know which rule I broke because I can't think what it could be.



That's a good idea!

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No, the same rules are applied which have always been applied.


If you are now noticing threads being removed and edited then that's probably a product of you participating more in the type of thread which is likely to attract the sort of post which breaks forum rules, rather than anything else.


There has been a number of threads closed of late that look like genuine threads, like the one where someone found a £20 Meadowhall voucher and was basically just reporting on here to let anyone know incase they had lost it, but then a few "Meadowhall Crusaders" came on the thread, started arguing, and BAM! thread gone. Things like this don't do the forum any favours, I did report the closing of the thread, as I have for a few others of late and as yet I have had no response at all.



Most moderators only feel that they have got a grasp on what is allowed and when after they've spent a minimum of 3 months reading and learning


This is a very good point, I don't think that I am the only one that has noticed a big change in certain members since the last shake up and the new Mods/Ass Mods being created. There are certain ones that do seem to be very over eager in their new roles.


Just a thought, maybe the forum could be more strict in one particular way.

There seems to be an ever increasing amount of multiple account holders, the usual ban been three days long, maybe the forum could set a time delay of three days before a new member was able to post, thus making it pointless for banees to re join.

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