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Left or Right.. politically.

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Who pays the most for being left, the right? Do the left just rely on taxing the aspirational who make something of themselves to also get on themselves on the back of the inspirational who use their own money to fund advances that give the less inspirational the chance of a job that they will eventually throw it back in their face due to union intervention, who never lose a days pay even though its on average five times the workers pay they presume to represent with zero mortgage interest and bonuses. Not to mention the gilt edged pensions.... not very socialist like.


I mean, where does it all begin and end?


Are we grateful for people creating businesses that employ us at a financial risk to themselves or do we hate them for giving us a chance because they had the money to do it in the first place? Are we just content with taking the benefit handouts afforded by people who socialists hate but can't do without, a bit like Muslim extremists living on benefits (who else would employ them?) we give freely but we never question who actually pays for it.


Its not the average reader in real terms. I am set to pay 50p out of very £1.00 I earn.... I put myself through university twice and the state never subsidised me.... it didn't because I never took a student loan, I worked my way through it.... I was born on a council estate in poor condition but we all moved on.


The left wanted to give people like me social mobility but the moment I get it I become the green eyed envy of the left and the eneny.


You can attack me all you want but somehow you can't do without my money.


Socialism is so corrupt and hypocritical.

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Hi NEWSFLASH all political institutions are corrupt.


Its the element of people who want something for nothing that usually keeps them in place as long as we can borrow enough and when we can't sustain it anymore the Labour party always turn it over to someone who can do the job properly and then they call the Conservatives the nasty party once again for cleaning up their mess.


My concern with this lot... the con-lib alliance is that they are still too liberal, its not what conservatives voted for when foreign aid is ring fenced instead of keeping it at home and they cave into the EU on subsidies and our borders are still open.


Who do you believe in to vote for next time?

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Its the element of people who want something for nothing that usually keeps them in place as long as we can borrow enough and when we can't sustain it anymore the Labour party always turn it over to someone who can do the job properly and then they call the Conservatives the nasty party once again for cleaning up their mess.


My concern with this lot... the con-lib alliance is that they are still too liberal, its not what conservatives voted for when foreign aid is ring fenced instead of keeping it at home and they cave into the EU on subsidies and our borders are still open.


Who do you believe in to vote for next time?


Shame Labour have always had to deal with the mess left by the Tories though isn't it? Still, you're better than everyone else aren't you?

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I'm not very political but have always been of the opinion that all politicians can only ever really achieve something close to a status quo.


The op is clearly an achiever and on the face of it, has done well for themselves. Born and brought up in subsidised housing, with a subsidised education and health service that wouldn't have been there without some form of socialist ideals. Is KellieB now wanting to deny the next generation the same opportunities?

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This country is like a big clock pendulum first one way then the next. I rather mistakenly thought that there should be somewhere in the middle for non politically motivated people to live a nice quiet honest life. Appears that when the middle get some aspects of power they sell out to the highest bidders. Strange really as reading this forum I thought that the silent majority were probably somewhere in the middle. Obviously were very silent on voting day.

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