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Unless you went to the University of Buckingham which is the only private University in the UK the state massively subsidised your University education, just as it has always provided or subsidised your previous education, your healthcare, your childhood housing...


You might like to think that you got where you are due to your own efforts with no help from the state and that consequently you owe society nothing and that anyone askign you contribute something is "hypocritical and corrupt" but that simply isn't the case. Everybody in our society business types included benefit massively from having a strong state which efficiently provides services healthcare, education, the rule of law, transport infrastructure... that businesses are utterly dependent upon. Socialism may well be hypocritical but no more so than you.


I do apologise for not responding to you sooner.... I merely overlooked you as I always do. I need to address this for your own good and humble myself before your socialist feet.


I did get to where I am through my own efforts, no-one forced me or tempted or bribed me.... it was a conscious decision and took a degree of dedication.... it wasn't a gift. The state may have given me a leg up but at 50% tax I think I am more than paying the leg up back.... should I be paying more? Students are kicking off right now but the Liberal/Socialists will find a way to tax them after they become progressive just for being aspirational and they will learn.


I think we should have a 25% tax level across the board and the government has to do what it does with the money, why on earth should I be taxed more than you simply because I did better?


There is nothing more hypocritical than socialism.... you should be able to enjoy getting on in life not persecuted for it.... TAX THE RICH is the most profound statement your kind can make.... have you ever asked yourself why you are not rich or why your green eyed envy makes you the person of the opinion you are?

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I do apologise for not responding to you sooner.... I merely overlooked you as I always do. I need to address this for your own good and humble myself before your socialist feet.


I did get to where I am through my own efforts, no-one forced me or tempted or bribed me.... it was a conscious decision and took a degree of dedication.... it wasn't a gift. The state may have given me a leg up but at 50% tax I think I am more than paying the leg up back.... should I be paying more? Students are kicking off right now but the Liberal/Socialists will find a way to tax them after they become progressive just for being aspirational and they will learn.


I think we should have a 25% tax level across the board and the government has to do what it does with the money, why on earth should I be taxed more than you simply because I did better?


There is nothing more hypocritical than socialism.... you should be able to enjoy getting on in life not persecuted for it.... TAX THE RICH is the most profound statement your kind can make.... have you ever asked yourself why you are not rich or why your green eyed envy makes you the person of the opinion you are?


You mistake envy for pity, you are a very selfish person and there is a saying 'beware who you trample on on the way up - you might meet them on the way down'

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This is totally untrue. Having benefited so much from the state it is right that those who earn more should contribute more to it's expenses. That doesn't make you the enemy - it makes you a part of society.



You go and earn treble figures and have to pay 50% of it or 50p in every pound you earn while everyone else around you pays less and tell me that's fair. Why should I contribute more? Why don't you? We are all part of the same society but like all socialists you see me as the enemy because I do better.


You miss the point that I create jobs, I take risks with my own money and I stimulate the market. You miss the point that without entrepreneurs you wouldn't even have a job. Try going it alone and become self-employed.


I dare you.

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You mistake envy for pity, you are a very selfish person and there is a saying 'beware who you trample on on the way up - you might meet them on the way down'


Well said.... less bred. My pole is of my own making.... where is your pole right now? Are you working at all or living off my taxes?


What tax rate do you pay?

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I have probably been working since before you were born so probably contributed more than you, I started work in 1966. I stand by what I said I have met plenty on the way back down. At least I can look my workmates in the face with a clear conscience. By the way being so called well bred does not make you a better person than me. I'd rather be well liked than pay higher tax.


Would you like to respond to this Kellie? And tell me why you think you are better than me.

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And they would have ended up like Northern Ireland water. I rest my case.

By that idiot logic the the Deepwater Horizon disaster proves that private businesses shouldn't drill for oil.


Contrary to what you so simple-mindedly assert a single example of a state owned business failing in some way in no way rebuts my claim that you don't get the benefits of free markets in natural monopolies.

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People earn what their employers are willing to pay them for a contracted type of emoloyment - whether the left wingers like it or not, the fact remains that some people are paid a lot more than others, because their skills and experience are worth a lot more to an employer.


Some people aren't even worth minimum wage. Socialism fails to understand this.


This doesn't necessarily mean that most people would believe they are deserving of what they are paid.


It does mean that some skills are valued by employers more than others, maybe that is what should be changed.

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I am paid what I earn as I am self-employed. What is your excuse? Are you working?


Do you consider you are deserving of what you get paid, and would others think the same.


In fact what do you do, that generates this level of income and perhaps we could all form an opinion on whether or not you derserve it.

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You go and earn treble figures and have to pay 50% of it or 50p in every pound you earn while everyone else around you pays less and tell me that's fair. Why should I contribute more? Why don't you? We are all part of the same society but like all socialists you see me as the enemy because I do better.


You miss the point that I create jobs, I take risks with my own money and I stimulate the market. You miss the point that without entrepreneurs you wouldn't even have a job. Try going it alone and become self-employed.


I dare you.


How can you expect anyone to make a judgement on whether this is fair, when we don't know what you do to merit this salary.

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