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Life after death

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The Astral Plain.


(Para-Dice [latin] - for being told ).


Adapted from "The Tenth Insight" by James Redfield.




We could see that it was a middle-aged man; he looked around wildly, then saw the group of souls and began to relax.


To my surprise, when I focused closely on him, I could pick up on what he was feeling and thinking. I glanced at Wil, who nodded that he was also sensing the person's reaction.


I focused again and observed that, in spite of a certain detachment and sense of love and support, he was in a state of shock at having discovered his body had died. Only minutes before, he had been routinely jogging, and while attempting to run up a long hill, his body had suffered a massive heart-attack. The pain had lasted only a few seconds, and then he was hovering outside his body, watching a stream of bystanders rush up to help him. Soon a team of paramedics arrived and worked feverishly to bring him back.


As he sat beside his body in the ambulance, he had listened in horror as the team-leader had pronounced his body dead. Frantically he had attempted to communicate, but no-one could hear. At the hospital a doctor confirmed to the crew that his heart had literally exploded; that no-one could have done anything to save his life.


Part of him tried to accept the fact; another resisted. How could he be dead; because he was still alive? He had called out for help and had instantly found himself in a tunnel of colours that had brought him to where he now stood. As we watched, he seemed to become more aware of the souls and moved toward them, shifting out of focus to us, appearing more like them.


Then abruptly he pulled back toward us and was quickly surrounded by an office of some kind, filled with computers and wall-charts and people working. Everything looked perfectly real, except the walls were semitransparent, so that we could see what was happening inside, and the sky above the office was not blue, but a strange olive colour.


"He's deluding himself," Wil said. "He's re-creating the office where he worked on Earth, trying to pretend his body hasn't died."


The souls moved closer and others came until there were dozens of them, all flickering in and out of focus in the amber light. They seemed to be sending the man Love and some kind of information I couldn't understand. Gradually the constructed office began to fade and eventually disappeared completely.


The man was left with an expression of resignation on his face, and he again moved into focus with the souls.


"Let's go with them," I heard Wil say. At the same moment, I felt his arm, or rather, the energy of his arm, pushing against my back.


As soon as I inwardly agreed, there was the slight sensation of movement, and the souls and the man all came into clearer focus. The souls now had glowing faces much as Wil and I did, but their hands and feet, instead of being clearly formed, were mere radiations of light. I could now focus on the entities for as long as four or five seconds before losing them and having to blink to find them again.


I became aware that the group of souls, as well as the deceased individual, was watching an intense point of bright light moving towards us. It eventually swelled into a massive beam that covered everything. Unable to look directly at the light, I turned so I could just see the silhouette of the man, who was staring fully at the beam without apparent difficulty.


Again I could pick up on his thoughts. The light was filling him with an unimaginable sense of love and calm perspective. As this sensation swept over him, his viewpoint and knowledge expanded until he could clearly see the life he had just lived form a broad and amazingly detailed perspective. . .




The man described above was experiencing what is known as a "life review", where our soul (our true, higher-self), immediately after its release from the body that it was using on Earth, has the life it has just lived reviewed and evaluated. It is congratulated for the good things that it had done and learned in that incarnation and will be punished for all of the evil that it has done and learned. It is then either rewarded for its good deeds by being sent back into a healthy body, in good circumstances, upon its next incarnation; or it is punished for the evil things it has done by either being placed in a handicapped, retarded or unhealthy body, or possibly is placed in adverse circumstances to teach it the values it has failed to learn in its previous incarnations (John 9:1-2; 5:14).


9:1 And as [Jesus] passed by, he saw a man which was blind from [his] birth. (re-incarnation)

9:2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did SIN, THIS MAN, or his parents, that he was BORN blind?

5:14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the Temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a WORSE thing come unto thee.


This life-evaluation fulfills the perfect system of cause-and-effect that many cultures in the world believe in, which is known by many different names such as "Karma" in the Eastern religions and "Sowing and Reaping" in the West (Galatians 6:7).


Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, THAT shall he also reap.


from http://jahtruth.net/astrl

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To my mind there is no doubt that when we die our soul leaves our body. sounds weird and iam not realy into religion but I believe this is 100 percent true. I used to work for an undertaker and our workshop was haunted, I and other employees heard the sound of footsteps upstairs and when I inspected the upper floor there was no one there.

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To my mind there is no doubt that when we die our soul leaves our body. sounds weird and iam not realy into religion but I believe this is 100 percent true. I used to work for an undertaker and our workshop was haunted, I and other employees heard the sound of footsteps upstairs and when I inspected the upper floor there was no one there.



Organized religion teaches people that they are the human body and that they have a soul, which is of course exactly backwards.



The REAL you is the soul/spirit-being that is temporarily "locked" inside the body that you see in the mirror. When the body dies, even temporarily, people have these "out of body" experiences, which serve as confirmation of this fact.

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Near death experiences are not proof that souls exist. They are hallucinations.


All of the things people experience during them can be reproduced (mostly with drugs) to various degrees. Out of body experiences, the white light, the tunnel, all of it.


Just in case you're interested in scientific research into near death experiences you might like to take a look at this



Here's some of the interesting bits if you're feeling lazy:


Christians tend to see Jesus in the light, and Hindus see the messengers of Yamraj coming to take them away—and they often refuse to go! (Osis and Haraldsson 1977)


Since the visual cortex is organized with many cells devoted to the center of the visual field and few to the periphery, random excitation will produce the effect of a bright light in the center fading out toward darkness—in other words, a tunnel effect (Blackmore and Troscianko 1988 )


Anoxia in non-life-threatening situations does cause odd experiences, such as the visions and out-of-body experiences reported by pilots trained in gravity-induced loss of consciousness (Whinnery 1990)


and for a bit of balance...


Against all this, others argue that the effects of anoxia are not like those of NDEs (for example, producing confusion rather than the clear thinking of a typical NDE), though this is complicated by the fact that different types and speeds of anoxia cause different effects. There is also one case of an NDE in a patient with measured, normal blood gases (Sabom 1982).


There's plenty more though, there's been more research into this than most people are aware of!

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Also, it's interesting to note that the Dr who's website that is off got her PHD in parapsychology but after years of experimentation gave up on that nonsense.




"It was just over thirty years ago that I had the dramatic out-of-body experience that convinced me of the reality of psychic phenomena and launched me on a crusade to show those closed-minded scientists that consciousness could reach beyond the body and that death was not the end. Just a few years of careful experiments changed all that. I found no psychic phenomena - only wishful thinking, self-deception, experimental error and, occasionally, fraud. I became a sceptic"


"And when the psychics and clairvoyants and New Agers shout at me, as they do: "The trouble with all you scientists is you don't have an open mind", I

won't be upset. I won't argue. I won't rush off and perform yet more experiments just in case. I'll simply smile sweetly and say: "I don't do that any more."

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