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Best place for kickboxing


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Sorry ladies and gents... Looks like I have some explaining to do which I'm not 100% happy about. I didn't even remember I had an account on here (specially under the name Skelly... I don't really post under my surname on sites... Very interesting) until about ten minutes ago when I looked in my hotmail account and found some messages from Sheffield forums. So I'm a little baffled on why I have messages on here...


Anyway's down to explaining. It looks like someone as been posting as me and that someone is presumably my little brother. I don't know what was going through his head or why the hell he'd post this kind of information on Kickboxing (outside of listening to me, he knows next to nothing about kickboxing) or controversy regarding MST... Unless he knows something I don't, far as I'm aware the gyms an upstanding place and the trainings been top notch since I started (I'll have to ask him about that).


... Let me assure you that this isn't the first time he's gotten me into some bother by not simply logging out and creating his own account (he's done it to me on my Youtube account more times than I can mention... However I only wish he'd posted under my Youtube name as I wouldn't have to be sitting here explaining this :D) and it probably wont be the last until I get some sense and put a pass code on my computer.


Anyway I apologise for the confusion and as you imagine, I'm quite embarrassed by this not to mention a little pee'd off. I think I may have a change of password on my hotmail account and remove this from remembering my password. That or I may just password my computer all together.


Sorry again for all the confusion. As embarrassing as it is, I thought it would be best to clear that up before people get the wrong impression or I get plodded into some serious ****. Also, this will be my last post on this site under this name... I don't like posting under my surname and I can't believe that I made an account under my own surname (though it was a few years back and I wasn't really internet savvy back then). Any further posts from me will be from an account named Sovvolf . Any more posts under this name should be disregarded as it won't be me.


Anyway to answer the threads question while I'm here... We do have Han Kuk Mu Do up at MSTA. Which is korean kickboxing. Rather than being a mix of Karate and Boxing though, its a mix of Taekwondo and modern boxing (hence the Korean Kickboxing). Its a good work out and from what I've trained of it, it seems a way of making Teakwondo moves a little more practical and workable in CQC. There are no knees or elbows in sparring and as said above leg kicks are disallowed however when doing patterns, we do use elbows and knees.


To answer Chefkicker up above. I believe its a full contact style though I can't say for sure. I will ask my master and see if he has an answer for you. We've mostly done semi-contact sparring though some full contact does go on (I haven't done any full contact sparring under the kickboxing yet though...) I've seen it happen once or twice though everytime its been with the master and the student. I imagine that this is because the master knows what he's doing and doesn't want the students going all at each other in case a serious injury happens or someone goes a little too far.


Also to clear up about the boxing comment put above. My boxing isn't poor, its that I'm more of a counter puncher, I like to wait for my opponent to make mistakes and then capitalise on them. However some times I get a little impatient when I'm sparring against another opponent who won't push the pace or try throwing... So I try to go on the offensive which is my where I make mistake. I have a very weak nose and its a big nose too... So its easy to hit and when it takes a hit... It busts open. So I often come back from the gym with a bloodied dobok and a bloody nose... I imagine my brother assumes this is because I'm a poor boxer... Its not, well not necessarily anyway... I could use a good amount of improvement however I'd say my boxing is about average for a new fighter. I'm actually currently looking for a Boxing gym in Barnsley that isn't too far away from where I live. Mainly so I can put a little extra focus into my boxing, want one that's open on Fridays though because there's no training at MST on Fridays.


Anyways thank you all for reading, I hope this clears everything up. I apologise again for anything that has been written by my brother (again this isn't the only place he's been chatting **** on recently). I can't apologise enough nor can I begin to explain how embarrassing this is for me. I hope this doesn't create a wall of text that fills the page neither. I'll try and post again on the other account I created not long ago and I'll see if I can help anyone else out on here.


Hi Skelly,


Fight Unit in mapplewell, Barnsley run a boxing class mondays at 7.30.

Mainly lads that are looking for same thing as you. in other words kick/thai boxers that are looking to improve their boxing. theres is a few who just do boxing though and nothing else.

If you would like some more info send me an email at Adam_Hadfield86@hotmail.co.uk




Adam, Fight Unit

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Whose gonna be the first to tell Farhad it's 2011? :)


All the best ... hope the club is still growing!!!!!


Hi John

The club is doing fine, here is a Training Montage. On this occasion theres a couple of fighters in the mix on this clip but most of them are just average folks having a "sweat out" including an instructor from another club ;)

Let's see if you can spot him!



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  • 7 months later...
I would say marsdens kickboxing is best for all ages kids to adults


Marsdens? I hear its good for kids but for adults they are not a patch on AFK, if they were anywhere near as good then they would be turning out quality competitive Fighters like AFK does all the time. I dont hear of Marsdens fighters fighting much while AFK fight often and win often. Says it all really.

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Marsdens? I hear its good for kids but for adults they are not a patch on AFK, if they were anywhere near as good then they would be turning out quality competitive Fighters like AFK does all the time. I dont hear of Marsdens fighters fighting much while AFK fight often and win often. Says it all really.


As you can see i train at marsdens whilst im also a assistant coach at Hillsborough Amatuer Boxing Club.


The quote the previous Thread has probably been taken out of contex (hope my spellings right)


Whilst AFK are more active it doesnt justify saying one club is better than another. The marsden brothers dont train fighters to enhance their egos they do it because they enjoy teaching people the arts that they have practised since they were the age of 8 years old.


Ask Farhad he knows how this club runs he also knows the marsdens well. and also myself.


Lets beg to differ on whos clubs the best this is only an individuals preference or comment we dont want to go down the road of my guys better than your guy and my dads bigger than yours........


Andrew Harris (no hiding for those who think im a key board warrior lol)

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Hi John

The club is doing fine, here is a Training Montage. On this occasion theres a couple of fighters in the mix on this clip but most of them are just average folks having a "sweat out" including an instructor from another club ;)

Let's see if you can spot him!




is that claude ,is he makin a comeback:hihi:

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As you can see i train at marsdens whilst im also a assistant coach at Hillsborough Amatuer Boxing Club.


The quote the previous Thread has probably been taken out of contex (hope my spellings right)


Whilst AFK are more active it doesnt justify saying one club is better than another. The marsden brothers dont train fighters to enhance their egos they do it because they enjoy teaching people the arts that they have practised since they were the age of 8 years old.


Ask Farhad he knows how this club runs he also knows the marsdens well. and also myself.


Lets beg to differ on whos clubs the best this is only an individuals preference or comment we dont want to go down the road of my guys better than your guy and my dads bigger than yours........


Andrew Harris (no hiding for those who think im a key board warrior lol)



Well posted Andrew Harris!!!

Andrew (BlackEyed) is correct, AFK are definitely very active. Possibly the most active Kickboxing club in Sheffield wth Fighters competing on Interclubs as well as Amateur and Professional Fight Nights all over the country pretty much week in week out!


With regard to Marsdens, the Marsdens do have a few Full Contact fighters. Maybe they arent quite as active but they have partaken in the occasional Full Contact fight.


Andrew Harris himself (Blackeyed LOL) had 2 fights. His debut contest was against a much younger opponent almost half his age (Yes really!!! Sorry Andrew :hihi: ) . Andrew KO'd the lad!!! :help:


They have also had 4 other Fighters who have made an appearance at Full Contact. I dont have time at present to Chronicle their Weight/Record/Blow by Blow Account of their fight but that can be done sometime in the week if you wish. (Just so that I can show off how informed I am of the local Kickboxing scene).



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I trained with marsdens a few years ago & found them 2 of the most honest hard working instructors you could meet, rumour has it a new fully equiped kickboxing gym is opening soon in s6 , quite a big place nothing defo at the mo still in the planning i think!

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