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Will the VAT rise alter your spending habits?

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So you are a fan of higher taxation are you?


No, but anybody with any sense at the time could see Darling was lowering the VAT rate to 15% simply because he had to be seen to be doing something, I thought it was lunacy and a pointless gesture that would not really have the desired effect of stimulating spending, so all it did in the end was lose revenue at a time when they needed it the most. Another Labour policy failure imo.

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So you are a fan of higher taxation are you?


The last government increased the tax burden on this country to a massive degree. Unfortunately they also increased spending to an even greater degree. A country is no different from a household in its need to live within its budget.

This even dawned on the last government towards the end when they increased the lowest rate of income tax from 10% to 20%.

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VAT has been put up to 20% today.


The Govt hopes to raise an additional £13billion over the next three years.


But will it also deter spending? Will you cut back on what you buy or will it not make any difference to you?


Do you even know whether the things you buy are subject to VAT or not?


All depends how much beer goes up.

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Will Poundland have to change it's name to onepoundtwopenceland?



Guess not...http://www.poundland.co.uk/top-tips/no-vat-increase/



Actually, they didn't drop the prices when VAT went to 15%, but I strangely couldn't find an advert for that:rolleyes:

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therise in VAT is only to fill the fat cats in londons pockets they put the VAT on us so they dont have to lower there wages or penshions as long as there ok and they get the exspencers and there company cars and there 2nd house there happy where all of us suffer in silance,


if i could do anything i would get rid of all polatishions and make one man run each city and they are incaharge of all actions of that city not one incharge of city then the yorkshire then one in palement there is so many that want more for less and we stand by and sit back while they rake in the benifits what we pay for me personal i would not bale any banks out if i run the county there would be one bank for the country and the rates will be same for loans ect that way we all are using same system and the money in those banks are they systems money if we loase all the funds in them banks we as acounrty fall and we have only our selfs to blame not othere countrys for for laoning to much money out to other countrys and them looking for its nabours to bail them out,


also i would cut the cost of bank directors wages from 1 mill to £500,000 thats a saving a loan to many fat cats looking after one's self


and i would make the queen be priminister with a right hand man 2 people to make the deshions one born to be queen and one voted and instead of the polatishions going on holiday 40 days a year make them work as much as we have to,


can i ask you a question how many days a week do you think polatishions spend working and making it a better system ill leave that one with you and ill give my answer later

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