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Will the VAT rise alter your spending habits?

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VAT, not at all.


Inflation on the other hand, will.


I will be buying less alcohol and brewing more.


Consider, petrol. This past year it increased in price by over 20%, From just under £1 to £1.20 (2p was DUTY, VAT went back up to 17.5% from 15%, so perhaps 1/4 of that inflation was due to taxes and 3/4s commodity inflation).


The past day or two we have seen 1p DUTY and an effective VAT rise of 2.13% aswell, giving us 3.13% (~3.5p/L) petrol inflation already this week, and that's all taxes. However, the proportion of the money you spend on petrol that goes to the treasury is actually less now than what it was last year.


Because the commodity component price of petrol has increased faster than the tax increases have.


Inflation is here.


Add 20% to you foodbill to account for inflation, that's going to come quicker than you think (Most food is VAT exempt so that's a bonus).


And ask yourself. If prices have gone up 20%, am I getting paid 20% more.



I agree. It is inflation in food prices that I have particularly noticed.


I am not a UK citizen and pay no tax in the UK other than VAT, alcohol duty and motoring duties. However the rise in these prices seems far higher than any stated inflation.

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Heard someone on Radio Sheffield this morning saying that his company would be absorbing the raise so as not to hit customers.

Admirable, I thought. Then he followed it up by saying that, of course it would have an effect on staff hours and bonusses etc.

His definition of 'the company' obviously extends to all the staff as well. It would be nice to think that this arrangement also applies when divvying up the profits.

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You mean the 2.5% increase david cameron said he had no intention of adding in the forseeable future as part of his election speel, it will affect me yes, im already struggling to run my car the way i want to, ive had to resort to being the family taxi for extended family members who dont drive, just to get that extra cash in the tank, i remember when it took just under £4 to fill my gerry can with petrol now the same can takes almost £8.


can i just say a quick thanks to all the students who believed the lib dems about all the rubbish they promised fully knowing they had no chance of getting into power on thier own, you've made your own and lot of other peoples lives a lot harder for at least the next 2 years, labour wernt fantastic but id rather have them back than this lot who are in now.


Lets get Labour back in so we can save a fiver a week in Petrol! Or we can all take a negligible hit now and have some kind of future!!

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It's already changed my spending habits. I was in two minds as to whether to buy a new car and a new kitchen this year.

Maybe it's only 2.5% increase in VAT but it actually made me think about these purchases. The money is now going towards paying my mortgage off instead.


Very very wise.

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How many pubs brought down the price of drinks when the VAT went down from 17.5 to 15%? I bet they'll be quick to put it up with the 20% rate. This is open house on business to profiteer by increasing prices way above the 2.5%.

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How many pubs brought down the price of drinks when the VAT went down from 17.5 to 15%? I bet they'll be quick to put it up with the 20% rate. This is open house on business to profiteer by increasing prices way above the 2.5%.


I've had a number of letters in the last few weeks from companies I purchase various services from via direct debit. In each case they're explained how they're very sorry blah blah and BTW we've added an extra pound or two to your monthly bill because of VAT.


I've just checked each of them (I was bored) and not one of them is a rise of 2.5%. The lowest is a rise of 5% with the highest being 8%.

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