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Walkley cottage


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The same old story I'm afraid, a former cracking pub goes under. Too many people staying at home watching crappy reality TV shows or on social networking rubbish on their laptops!!!.................. I know I'm on my laptop............ but the pubs are shut now.

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I think this is really unfair. Children were only allowed in until a certain time and we always kept our son under control and made sure that he did not cause disturbance to people enjoying a drink. In fact, many of them went out of their way to be friendly to him. In fact, I never saw anyone elses kids causing any bother either.


I accept that not all children are well behaved and some people want a quiet drink in adult-only company, but that's why some pubs don't have family licenses. To suggest that's why the Walkley Cottage closed is ludicrious!


I was joking. It closed because it was usually empty.

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The same old story I'm afraid, a former cracking pub goes under. Too many people staying at home watching crappy reality TV shows or on social networking rubbish on their laptops!!!.................. I know I'm on my laptop............ but the pubs are shut now.


Try going to the blake, crammed to the rafters the times I've been in.

The last time I knew the Cottage to be like that was over 5 years ago.


People are still going to the pub, but they are being choosy. I walk past several pubs to get to my choice of boozer.


Simply put, If the pubs were any good, they would be busy.

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I think this is really unfair. Children were only allowed in until a certain time and we always kept our son under control and made sure that he did not cause disturbance to people enjoying a drink. In fact, many of them went out of their way to be friendly to him. In fact, I never saw anyone elses kids causing any bother either.


I accept that not all children are well behaved and some people want a quiet drink in adult-only company, but that's why some pubs don't have family licenses. To suggest that's why the Walkley Cottage closed is ludicrious!


I agree I wish people would get their facts right before going on about kids in pubs. If children are unruly it is the parents fault. No ones child is perfect. On one or two occasions when my two misbehaved I took outside to calm them down if that didn't work I would take them home.


Going to a pub with a child helps to teach the child social skills and respect for other people .


Dogs in pubs is a totally different thing ..... a wet dog stinks ...a wet child can be taken to the loo and changed!!

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I agree I wish people would get their facts right before going on about kids in pubs. If children are unruly it is the parents fault. No ones child is perfect. On one or two occasions when my two misbehaved I took outside to calm them down if that didn't work I would take them home.


Going to a pub with a child helps to teach the child social skills and respect for other people .


Dogs in pubs is a totally different thing ..... a wet dog stinks ...a wet child can be taken to the loo and changed!!


The smell of wet dog is infinitely preferable to the smell of some of the regulars in some pubs I go in.


I have nothing against either dogs or children in pubs in long as they are quiet. What annoys me the most is when people decide it will be fun to throw or kick a ball around for the dog to chase. Idiots.


Back on topic...I never saw any children or dogs in The WC. I'll miss the place for its Sunday lunches.

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