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Speed camera warners can be prosecuted.

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The basis of the law is that the law decides if you're being careful. You don't.


If you're over the limit, you're over the limit. I'm not arguing with that.


The point I was making was about intention and wrecklessness. It's easy to get caught without knowingly exceeding the limit, you know, when you believe you're actually driving like a granny.


I'm not defending speeding, but see no harm in warning other drivers of the presence of a camera, or indeed warning drivers about their excessive speed even if there's not a camera there.

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I'm not defending speeding, but see no harm in warning other drivers of the presence of a camera, or indeed warning drivers about their excessive speed even if there's not a camera there.


Quite. I've forced a smile and flashed my lights at idiots driving too fast on loads of occaisions when there was no camera, they slow down, the intended purpose of all these speed cameras was achieved and i didn't charge the taxpayer a penny.

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Wilfully obstructing a police officer in the execution of their duty is a criminal offence.


But the driver is aiding the police by slowing the traffic. Which is what the camera partnerships are supposed to be doing, not trying to catch people to fine them.


The reason why I'm saying this is because an ex-colleague of mine once challenged a speeding fine on the grounds that the partnership was there to reduce speeding, not to overtly fine people. The camera was in a area not considered to be an accident problem area and guess what, he was let off the fine and the points.

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The police are too short sighted to see what will be the result of this continual victimisation of ordinary law abiding citizens. We are supposed to be policed by consent but one day a tipping point will be reached when not enough people support the police for them to be able to do their job and everyone will suffer as the police try to deal with the real criminals. They need the support of the majority and that majority is getting smaller and smaller. We are heading for a time of civil unrest and the police will end up with least support just when they need most support.

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Wilfully obstructing a police officer in the execution of their duty is a criminal offence

I don't think the officer is being obstucted in any way, he is able to carry out his duty, namely operating the speed trap to monitor the speed of passing motorists who, despite being alerted to the speed trap, may have had no intention of breaking the law. In this case, the warner would have had no effect on the situation.

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Dont the police say that if people slow down at speed cameras, and they dont catch anyone, they are happy because people are slowing down and driving more safely..

so this guy is helping them to achieve that...whats the problem..?

I always flash oncoming traffic to warn of a police camera, i would hate to sit by and watch someone take a £60 fine and get three points on their license...


Couldn't agree more, it is making motorists slow down, why should the police be bothered after all they keep telling us the cameras are not there to make money.

Oh and I don't know why they don't stick a camera on Retford road between the traffic lights and the turn off to the old Asda, there always seems to be a van there.

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But the driver is aiding the police by slowing the traffic. Which is what the camera partnerships are supposed to be doing, not trying to catch people to fine them.


The reason why I'm saying this is because an ex-colleague of mine once challenged a speeding fine on the grounds that the partnership was there to reduce speeding, not to overtly fine people. The camera was in a area not considered to be an accident problem area and guess what, he was let off the fine and the points.


Unlikely. The cameras may only be sited where there have been three serious accidents. Where was this camera?


The ACPO guidelines are so strict that residents clamouring for a speed camera in their neighbourhood are told:


"Sorry, we have to wait till someone's badly hurt"

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Isn't it a bit spooky that people are full of stories about fines for doing 33mph and convictions successfully overturned but when you ask for details there's a deafening silence?


I got done years ago for doing 58 in a 50. Bit naughty you might argue but it was on the dual carrigeway from Batley (no pedestrians allowed on it) to the M1 J40 junction middle of the day, perfect dry driving conditions and no other vehicles in sight. 3 points and a fine - did it help anyone?

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Will i now be a target for the Speed police and their money making machines ?



All this weeks camera locations in south yorkshire are here in their full glory




A little hypocritical if you ask me . Its ok for them to publish the sites themselves , but if motorist warns drivers of their presence they get a little upset.

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