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Speed camera warners can be prosecuted.

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Do you swerve wildly over the road every time you see a police car?


A police car isn't a hazard, it's entirely likely you'll see one on the road and any competent driver would not find it distracting.


Mr Thompson obstructed a police officer, a criminal act, in order to warn other criminals, speeding being a crimninal offence.


Well personally I don't swerve when I see a police car, or a child, or a pothole, or snow, or rain, or low sun; but they could all be considered to be hazards.


I sometimes have to swerve wildly when I encounter nutters on pushbikes (not all cyclists are nutters though ;) ).


IMHO We have all been told that cameras are there to save lives and reduce accidents; in effect that they are safety cameras; This judgement contradicts that.


All this judgement does is convince joe public that all they are after is our money.

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Do you swerve wildly over the road every time you see a police car?


Of course not. The construction of such a straw-man is a bit desperate don't you think?


A police car isn't a hazard, it's entirely likely you'll see one on the road and any competent driver would not find it distracting.


You and I cannot comment on the position of this particular car/van because we did not see it.


Mr Thompson obstructed a police officer, a criminal act, in order to warn other criminals, speeding being a crimninal offence.


So the other cars were speeding. Where is your evidence for this? My previous post, and carosio's above, show that this is important unless it is simply vindictive judgment you are seeking to apply. Also, speeding rarely results in a criminal record.


What concerns me is that you seem to think that "flashing headlights" is worthy of a criminal record? The result of which may lead to somebody losing their job, or finding it difficult to obtain one, and, you know, stuff like providing for your family.


I just find such lack of empathy puzzling.



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Also, speeding rarely results in a criminal record.


What concerns me is that you seem to think that "flashing headlights" is worthy of a criminal record? The result of which may lead to somebody losing their job, or finding it difficult to obtain one, and, you know, stuff like providing for your family.


I just find such lack of empathy puzzling.




Speeding is always a criminal act and results in a criminal conviction.


I avoid getting a criminal record by not speeding and not obstructing police officers.

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Prosecutor John Owston told Thompson he was not trying to avoid an accident occurring. He said: ’You were doing it to warn them of a speed trap because as a motorist you don’t want other motorists to be caught speeding. You wanted to make sure that people who were speeding slowed down.’

Mr Owston added: ’The natural reaction of most drivers in those circumstances would be to brake. Your first reaction would be that there is some sort of hazard ahead and I will approach it at a lower speed.

‘You are causing people to brake to avoid going through a speed trap at an excessive speed and all it does then is allow people, when they are past it , to pick up speed again and speed on.

‘It’s not the speed trap that causes the accident it’s the idiot behind the wheel who brakes heavily that causes the accident.’



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1343959/Driver-flashed-headlights-warn-motorists-speed-trap-fined.html#ixzz1A9gtl1xl


That is NOT someone promoting road safety, it is someone preventing the police from catching people who break the law. It's no different to someone telling a shoplifter that the lady with the red coat is a store detective, so you might want to go and steal in another part of the shop. It doesn't prevent or even deter the crime, it just displaces it.

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You won't get a fine for 34mph, unless it's in a 20 zone.


Would you expect to pass your test if you broke the law during your driving test?

As Matsellah asked, which part of 'guidelines' don't you understand?


True, most constabularies will apply the 10% plus 2 figure, but when they are having campaigns in specific areas, they can apply 1mph if they choose.

Brunstrom had that applied often enough.

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I think this guy was just unlucky that he was spotted by another policeman/vehicle at the time he flashed his lights to warn other drivers. Personally,this is the first time I have heard of anybody being prosecuted for such an offence (although by reading the thread I can see its happened before) and have seen thousands of people flash their headlights to warn of an impending hazard or camera van.

I have flashed people before,as I did on Christmas Eve when the camera van was on Cookswood Road at Shirecliffe handing out Happy Christmas tickets:rolleyes:, but would ascertain if there is any other police presence in the vicinity before doing so,obviously you can't allow for the fact there may be an unmarked vehicle around,but maybe they will start sending one with the camera vans now they know they may be able to make some more money for the coffers:hihi:

If you want an insight into how crazy this country is becoming try and watch a repeat of Motorway Cops from last night on BBC. Motorists were easy pickings but when a car containing two Polish criminals was stopped with a hoard of stolen goods on board,a man with an warrant out for his arrest on firearms charges and a small amount of cannabis what do you think happened to them??? Lets just say they didn't get a £60 fine and 3pts. :huh:

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If you want an insight into how crazy this country is becoming try and watch a repeat of Motorway Cops from last night on BBC. Motorists were easy pickings but when a car containing two Polish criminals was stopped with a hoard of stolen goods on board,a man with an warrant out for his arrest on firearms charges and a small amount of cannabis what do you think happened to them??? Lets just say they didn't get a £60 fine and 3pts. :huh:


I saw that.


What was crazy about it?

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