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Speed camera warners can be prosecuted.

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Hopefully so; because joe public, if he has any sense at all, will react to that conclusion by not speeding and therefore not having to pay it.


Can i ask , have you NEVER broken the speed limit ?


I know i have ,and i would hazard a guess there arnt many drivers who havn`t .

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I have, I was caught, I paid the fine and I deserved to. So does everyone else.


Either stick to the speed limit, or pay the fine. Complaining that it shouldn't be enforced is just laughable.


So, would you not agree that , if as the police say , the speed traps are there only for road safety , that by warning other motorists of their presence , and causing them to slow down , the driver harrassed and taken to court by the police in this story was actually hepling road safety himself ,and aiding the police in their efforts to cut speed on the roads . ?


That is of course unless these cameras are there purely to raise revenue ,and the police were a tad upset at this driver affecting their earning power that day .

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You won't get a fine for 34mph, unless it's in a 20 zone.


Would you expect to pass your test if you broke the law during your driving test?


No one mentioned driving tests.

According to your logic 34mph is not breaking the law as it does not incur a fine!

It was in Rotherham coming downhill in a 40 limit which changes to 30.No 20mph anywhere near.

Wasting time with you.

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Its one thing to be warned by Joe Public, yet another to be warned by someone with authority. With the latter its going to sink in.


if a speeder is flashed by a driver, he'll slow down but speed up again. But if caught and fined, will probably evaluate his driving standards and start to drive more responsibly.


Is it any different to being told off by a neighbour for being disruptive or anti-social and being told off by a copper? I remember as a kid kicking a football at someone's wall and telling them to P off when they told me to go. But as soon as a copper turned up and gave me a mouthful I didn't do it again.

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Any driver who says they haven't is lying or trying to kid themselves.

With the exception of motorways, (and the section of Bochum Parkway from Norton Ave to Norton Lane), I have never knowingly exceeded the speed limit.


This doesn't prove you wrong, but it does indicate that there are probably more drivers than you imagine who have never exceeded the speed limit. My wife has rarely driven on motorways, and I don't think she has ever exceeded the speed limit.


Basically, most urban speed limits are plenty fast enough, and I don't have any respect for people that choose to exceed them.


But that is all pretty irrelevant on this thread. Some guy has been convicted, and given a criminal record, for flashing his lights at oncoming vehicles. This may effect his access to employment, finance, and his insurance premiums will increase. Given that speeding drivers usually just get points and/or a fine, I think this is an inappropriate abuse of the law.

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Prosecutor John Owston told Thompson he was not trying to avoid an accident occurring. He said: ’You were doing it to warn them of a speed trap because as a motorist you don’t want other motorists to be caught speeding. You wanted to make sure that people who were speeding slowed down.’

Mr Owston added: ’The natural reaction of most drivers in those circumstances would be to brake. Your first reaction would be that there is some sort of hazard ahead and I will approach it at a lower speed.

‘You are causing people to brake to avoid going through a speed trap at an excessive speed and all it does then is allow people, when they are past it , to pick up speed again and speed on.


That is NOT someone promoting road safety, it is someone preventing the police from catching people who break the law. It's no different to someone telling a shoplifter that the lady with the red coat is a store detective, so you might want to go and steal in another part of the shop. It doesn't prevent or even deter the crime, it just displaces it.


My bold. In the 2005 case, the prosecution lost their appeal because they could offer no proof that the motorists warned were exceeding or were about to exceed the limit.


In the latest case, the defendant was unrepresented, if he had've been then the 2005 case would have been cited in his defence.

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