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Would you grass up the people who poked Camilla?

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The Duchess was poked in the ribs with a stick, possibly part of a placard, through an open window and white paint thrown over the vehicle. She was pictured looking shocked and distressed and they were forced to leave afterwards in the back of a


Why was the window open? and why were there in first place? very bad policing


Have you seen the video clip, old Charlie and horse head thought the people were joyfull well wishers, old Charlie was waving for ages tIll it dawned on him they didn't want an autograph...

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Charles' car shouldn't have been there - definitely lax security, but the Royals were innocent onlookers and they didn't deserve to be attacked (the same as any other innocent members of the public) So if any member of the public was attacked and I saw it happen and knew who the perpetrators were then I would act as a witness to that attack too

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A rape analogy is an awful comparison.


A better one is driving through a food riot with a KFC bucket on the roof, and being suprised when someone eats it.


In all three cases, responsibility for the crime would lie entirely with the criminal. Just as it always does whenever any crime is committed by anybody, anywhere.

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Pathetic. Have the police got nothing better to do? They shd get their priorities right and start combat real crime hitting ordinary people. Try and get their attention when your house is burgled or car stolen. This girl and the other students were not assassins.People need to get a grip. Any fault lies with the royal security forces who failed to divert the car from the demo before it got there. The proper course would be to sack those responsible, not throw the book at someone banging on a car. It seems crime is only taken seriously in this country if you are some sort of "celeb".


No one got hurt.



They drove the car directly into the crowd of protesters and a couple of people were in the way and banged on the car, big deal.



Get over it you bunch of drama queens.


edl are saying that the next time students protest they will be there. The edl seem to be against freedom of speech and freedom of protest in Britain unless it's them doing the protesting (violent thuggery) yet they have not been banned. However Al Muhajirun get banned every 6 months or so and come back under a new name. I've got a feeling the government wants the extremists around to keep people divided while they run of with everyones money.

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Pathetic. Have the police got nothing better to do? They shd get their priorities right and start combat real crime hitting ordinary people. Try and get their attention when your house is burgled or car stolen. This girl and the other students were not assassins.People need to get a grip. Any fault lies with the royal security forces who failed to divert the car from the demo before it got there. The proper course would be to sack those responsible, not throw the book at someone banging on a car. It seems crime is only taken seriously in this country if you are some sort of "celeb".


No one got hurt.



They drove the car directly into the crowd of protesters and a couple of people were in the way and banged on the car, big deal.



Get over it you bunch of drama queens.



I suppose if you happened to accidently drive through a large crowd of protestors, who happened to throw paint over your car, smash the window and poke you with a stick, you wouldn't be bothered not being a drama queen and all.

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Yes I would definitely report them. The only drama queens I can see here are the students who are throwing the dolly out because they can't get what they want, well thats life, its a bitch get used to it.


Wasn't the reason that the royal car ended up in the middle of it because these protesters had broken away from the bigger group of protesters and weren't even supposed to be in that area.


From what it said on the news the armed protection officers were seconds away from using their weapons, I wouldn't have had a problem with them doing this as they would be protecting our future monarch.

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