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Would you grass up the people who poked Camilla?

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If shooting someone for throwing a bin is prevention, then chopping a babies hands off before he can pick someone's pocket is equally a good idea.


Only if the hand was on the verge of entering the pocket. At that point you are correct in saying the hand should be removed. Suspect this might be found as standard practice in some relion or other.

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Why would anyone in the right frame of mind want to cause damage to a handmade Rolls Royce? It's a work of art.

Although I err on the 'don't like' side of Charles and Camilla, there's no reason to attack them just like anyone else. What had they done wrong?

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Yes. As I would hope and expect the policing methods and the unlawful detention of participants and passers-by to be subject to a full investigation, I would hope and expect that anyone who is in a position to name people who behaved in an unacceptable manner would do so. I do not want demonstrators to be treated like animals, and I want them to behave like civilised human beings.

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The stupid twunts drove straight into the protest and Rod Hull got poked with a stick, now the entire forces of law and order and the media are swinging into action to catch the pokers yet when my bike was nicked the coppers didn't want to know. It's one law for royalty and the rest of us can go and boil our heads.




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I'm fairly sure that the car they were in at the time wasn't their usual bulletproof/grenadeproof/nuclear weaponproof car which would explain why the windows got smashed. It seemed silly for them to have the window open though as it was freezing.


I would report them if I knew, after all this is an unprovoked assault on a person, and be it royalty or joe public I like to think i'd do everything I could to help.

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If the identity of those commiting the criminal acts is known that information should be passed to the police.

I am sure the majority of students will not want to be associated with those who acted in unruly and criminal behaviour on the day of their protest.

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Only if the hand was on the verge of entering the pocket. At that point you are correct in saying the hand should be removed.

No, you were advocating shooting people for throwing anything because it could be a grenade. Bin, pointy stick, grenade or cuddly toy. That is different to shooting a man on the verge of throwing a grenade at our Prince of Wales.


I'm fairly sure that the car they were in at the time wasn't their usual bulletproof/grenadeproof/nuclear weaponproof car which would explain why the windows got smashed.

I think it would be safe to say all their vehicles will be armoured. It's not terribly expensive in the grand scheme of security, and one cannot predict an attack to the point that Charles will know if he needs bulletproof glass or not that day.

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No, you were advocating shooting people for throwing anything because it could be a grenade. Bin, pointy stick, grenade or cuddly toy. That is different to shooting a man on the verge of throwing a grenade at our Prince of Wales.


If you threatened me with violence, under the current law I have the right to knock you before you try. Why does anyone have to resort to violence.


In this case we're talking about a riot full of extremist's (socialists and anarchists).



I think it would be safe to say all their vehicles will be armoured.



It wasn't, I gave you evidence of that earlier.

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