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Elf problems ..

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Should have paid heed to the old saying:


"Yyffan Elf, JW, carol singer or bailiff knocks on your door, ignore it."

What the bloody hell are you on about! (or on) :huh:

Who's JW!?

He's certainly not on the disembarkation manifest provided by Mr Travolta upon the safe landing of Thunderbird 1 in my rocket landing facility!

Is he a stowaway? ... could he be the 'Hood' in one of his manyfold evil disguises? :gag::huh:

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What the bloody hell are you on about! (or on) :huh:

Who's JW!?

He's certainly not on the disembarkation manifest provided by Mr Travolta upon the safe landing of Thunderbird 1 in my rocket landing facility!

Is he a stowaway? ... could he be the 'Hood' in one of his manyfold evil disguises? :gag::huh:


I'm on fairy dust for elf reasons.:thumbsup:

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Hawkings, Jolie, Cox and Dawkins are at this very mo being transported from their private holiday cottage on Tracey Island by John Travolta in Thunderbird 1.(As you know... Stevie 'boy' is recuperating from his takeover as Santa Claus this Christmas)

Jeff Tracy really is a spoilsport ... JT wanted to borrow Thunderbird 2 but Jeff claimed it was on standby for an important mission and would say no more on the subject. I suspect something sinister is going on! :suspect:


How the flip has John Travolta got involved ? I am a bit concerned that Scientologist involvement might cast doubt on the credibility of this venture. Before you know it that other midget Tom Cruise would want to get involved and he could easily get confused as to what side he is on. Plus TRavolta's hairpiece might catch fire . Too risky if you ask me.


I can understand the thinking behind bringing in the Thunderbird armoury, but I think more subtlety may be needed. You don't want those little people (of any persuasion) mixing up a bottle of Thunderbird and a multi million dollar piece of precision engineering as it can only end in tears.

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How the flip has John Travolta got involved ? I am a bit concerned that Scientologist involvement might cast doubt on the credibility of this venture. Before you know it that other midget Tom Cruise would want to get involved and he could easily get confused as to what side he is on. Plus TRavolta's hairpiece might catch fire . Too risky if you ask me.


I can understand the thinking behind bringing in the Thunderbird armoury, but I think more subtlety may be needed. You don't want those little people (of any persuasion) mixing up a bottle of Thunderbird and a multi million dollar piece of precision engineering as it can only end in tears.

John travolta's always involved! He ferries Stevie 'boy' and my mate Angie 'jolly' all over the place in his collection of aircraft ... he's fully qualified to fly all the Thunderbirds too! (except Thunderbird 4 but that's another story and doesn't really apply to Crookes)

You've given me an idea though on how to infiltrate Al Quadriplegia. Tom Cruise is a mate of Jolly's ... I reckon with him being so small and with cunning disguise (green pointy hat) He could easily infiltrate Al Quadriplegia who now seem firmly ensconced with Yyffan in the Wendy house under the sycamore tree at the bottom of my garden facility.

Fearfully, not much has gone on at the Wendy house today ... just a load of nubile fairies posing naked on the thermonuclear armed metallic red wheelchairs in a photo shoot for the up and coming Pixirelli calendar.

Stevie 'boy', 'Jolly', Dawkins, Brains and Parker are luxuriating in my spa facility after their long trip from Tracy Island yesterday ... who knows what'll happen tomorrow! :gag:

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Ok ... so here's the state of play;

Yyffan the elf (who I hired as a gardener at my facility) turns out to be a leading member of 'Al Quadriplegia' and is firmly ensconced in the Wendy house cell at the bottom of my garden. (recently, I've intercepted e-mails to 'Osama bin Yyffan')

I've managed to ascertain that Yyffan and his cohorts are planning an all out attack on Threshers on Crookes ... FACT!

This attack is to destroy all supplies of Pinot Grigio, enabling Yyffan to flood the market with wine made from the vineyard he's surreptitiously set up under my sycamore tree! ...FACT

They plan to launch rocket propelled thermonuclear bruschettas in a combined attack on the twin dormer windows of the afore said establishment ...FACT!

These themonuclear bruschettas will be launched from the relativeley safe (armoured) confines of the metallic red wheelchairs provided by osama Bin Yyffan ... FACT!

As you can imagine, I'm trying my best to prevent this atrocity and have now set up an emergency 'Panic a lot' mission control room in my facility.

The panic control room is headed by Stevie 'boy' Hawking ... Angie 'babe' Jolie and Richard Dawkins are next in control.

Brains from Tracy island very kindly came along with John Travolta in Thunderbird 1 (kindly on loan from Jeff Tracy), ably assisted by Parker who's just nipped off to collect Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward in the pink Roller.

Alexandra Bastedo and Stuart Damon are here representing 'The Champions' ... Richard Gaunt is currently on holiday in the Bermuda Triangle and not been heard of for a while (even by Alexandra!)

John Tracy's head of comms in Thunderbird 5!

( I must admit ... International Rescue are really pulling all the strings here ... big respect!)

IR have also lent us Thunderbird 4 which is patrolling the Don, as well as Richard Baseheart 'voyage to the bottom of the sea', who's kindly allowed the free use of 'Seaview' should Al Quadriplegia decide to leg it down the hill to Hillsborough!

Reuters ... incoming ... Thunderbird 2 has gone missing as well as the mysterious disappearance of 'The Hood' ... more news to follow...

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I think that this dastardly plan can easily be foiled by destroying the vineyard under your sycamore tree. They can't flood the market if their supplies are kaput!

Or am I looking at this too simplistically?

Bit on the simplistic side Badgey! The Pinot grape is very hardy! (suspect Yyffan has done his homework here) ... Steve 'the boy' suggested a small pre-emtive nuclear strike about half an hour ago.

Apart from annoying the neighbours it would have little effect on the vineyard due to the plutonium retaining features of the sycamore tree. More work needs to be done! :(

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