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Elf problems ..

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As we are paying attention to this matter of elves and their influence, we should not forget to locate the real source of their power, from which they are spontaneously generated so that they can be dispersed all over the world to act as programmed. It may come as no surprise that this is in the mysterious East, the fabled Orient. The poet Coleridge warned the world as far back as 1797 in his poem Kubla Khan, though it was not published until 1816. Remember the fIrst few lines?


In Xanadu did Kubla Khan

A stately pleasure-dome decree,

Where Elf the sacred river ran

Through caverns measureless to man

Down to a sunless sea...


He got only so far before being interrupted by the infamous "person from Porlock" who undoubtedly was an emissary sent by the elves to abort the poem before Coleridge could reveal all their sinister plans...

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As we are paying attention to this matter of elves and their influence, we should not forget to locate the real source of their power, from which they are spontaneously generated so that they can be dispersed all over the world to act as programmed. It may come as no surprise that this is in the mysterious East, the fabled Orient. The poet Coleridge warned the world as far back as 1797 in his poem Kubla Khan, though it was not published until 1816. Remember the fIrst few lines?


In Xanadu did Kubla Khan

A stately pleasure-dome decree,

Where Elf the sacred river ran

Through caverns measureless to man

Down to a sunless sea...


He got only so far before being interrupted by the infamous "person from Porlock" who undoubtedly was an emissary sent by the elves to abort the poem before Coleridge could reveal all their sinister plans...

Jeez Mr Waltheof! ...Think my garden facility may be Xanadu! ... It's uncanny! :o

He goes on to mention 'The twice five miles of fertile ground' ... the vineyard Yyffan's building!

'With walls and towers were girdled round' ... my outside loo facility!

'Where blossomed many an incense burning tree' ... my sycamore!

Talk about sycamore tree ... more like synchronicity!

How did Mr Coleridge predict the Al Quadriplegia bomb plot 200 odd years ago ?

Is he mates with Nostradamus and if so does this hint of an influence by the Illuminati ! :o:huh::help:

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Well, Coleridge was one of that circle of Romantic poets, with Wordsworth, Shelley, Byron, Keats et al, who were in touch with the occult powers, along with the best known mystical writer, William Blake. They were in touch with the little people and realised they were not all beneficent creatures or figures of amusement. Remember how Blake prophesied the grim future of England if it did not reform itself? And with the revival of medievalism in Victorian times, reading in the Anglo-Saxon books of medicine (look up Bald's Leechbook on Google) they realised how much sickness was still being caused by elf-shot. So the roots of our warning were there already, but weren't taken up until the present...

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Well, Coleridge was one of that circle of Romantic poets, with Wordsworth, Shelley, Byron, Keats et al, who were in touch with the occult powers, along with the best known mystical writer, William Blake. They were in touch with the little people and realised they were not all beneficent creatures or figures of amusement. Remember how Blake prophesied the grim future of England if it did not reform itself? And with the revival of medievalism in Victorian times, reading in the Anglo-Saxon books of medicine (look up Bald's Leechbook on Google) they realised how much sickness was still being caused by elf-shot. So the roots of our warning were there already, but weren't taken up until the present...

Jeez Bald's Leechbook looks very interesting ... I'm going to have to read it now! ... as If I haven't got enough on my plate! (just had a quick Google) ... back on topic ...

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So, if Blake is in on the plot,would it be too obvious to suggest looking for the unwanted illuminanti Quadriplegic elfs in the newly opened Blake Public House at the top of Blake St? Its cunningly disguised as a friendly, welcoming real ale establishment, but could be elf HQ?

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So, if Blake is in on the plot,would it be too obvious to suggest looking for the unwanted illuminanti Quadriplegic elfs in the newly opened Blake Public House at the top of Blake St? Its cunningly disguised as a friendly, welcoming real ale establishment, but could be elf HQ?

Jeez ... they're all over the place! We've been wondering where 'Al quadriplegia's' base was! Stevie 'boy's been pulling his hair out with worry (not very successfully, I hasten to add!)

Aloysius Parker's just got back from Buckinghamshire with Lady Penelope in the Roller. Sent him down the road to 'The Blake' to infiltrate any underhand goings on whilst Penelope bathes in Cuprinol in my wooden puppet spa facility. Time will tell! ....:o

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The plot was revealed many years ago by the "Crazy World of Arthur Brown" - a front for renting out elfs.


Remember the song?


"I am the god of elf-hire............................"

'And I bring you ... Merlot!' ... No it doesn't work! :P

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'And I bring you ... Merlot!' ... No it doesn't work! :P


Back in them days we'd never heard of Merlot - although to many wine connosieurs the Pomerol vineyards blah blah blah.........


Wasn't it the Beatles who sang " I get by with a little elf from my friends"? That would explain Ringo..............

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