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Muslim converts, why is this happening?

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Also, for me the fear of khilafa is utter BS, excuse my language. Look at the state of so called muslim countries. The ones that could do a difference are licking USA's boots, filling their pockets with oil and petrol money, collecting their wives and castles. They don't give a monkey about Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan or any of the muslim problems.

We Muslims are probably at our lowest in history, all that because we are not applying our religion properly, we have either become without morals or have taken Islam to unnecessary extremes that have never been asked from us.

What about the woman in pakistan who is under sentence of death over the water drinking incident?
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I agree with you on all accounts, except the death penalty.


The thing is, I believe that the death penalty, if applied properly (I mean by that not only on the poors but the rich alike) is the only thing that will scare people enough to make them think twice when they want to behave barbarically. In USA, Iran, or Saudi, the problem is often that the richer amongst the nation can behave perversely and still escape justice as they are able to pay the authorities.

This is not justice in my sense.


The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that if his own beloved daughter Fatima had stolen something, he would apply the hand chopping punishment on her as if it was anyone else.


You probably disagree with this form of punishment, but you will agree that this is a great sense of justice. In Islam, no one is superior to another being except from his faith level. There should be no colour or race discrimination, rich or poor discrimination, as all is measured in piety.

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Here is the punishment for rape in Shariah law:


The scholars are unanimously agreed that the rapist is to be subjected to the hadd punishment if there is clear evidence against him that he deserves the hadd punishment, or if he admits to that. Otherwise, he is to be punished (that is, if there is no proof that the hadd punishment for zina may be carried out against him because he does not confess and there are not four witnesses, then the judge may punish him and stipulate a punishment that will deter him and others like him). There is no punishment for the woman if it is true that he forced her and overpowered her. (Al-Istidhkaar, 7/146).


In addition, the rapist is subject to the hadd punishment for zina, even if the rape was not carried out at knifepoint or gunpoint. If the use of a weapon was threatened, then he is a muharib, and is to be subjected to the hadd punishment described in the verse in which Allah says (The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off from opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter) (Al-Ma’idah 5:33).


So the judge has the choice of the four punishments mentioned in this verse and may choose whichever he thinks is most suitable to attain the objective, which is to spread peace and security in society, and ward off evildoers and aggressors.




Read more: http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1125407868541#ixzz1AGEpadcD

And how many witnesses does a woman need to prove rape? without those witnesses she's accused of being an adultress and we all know what the sentence is.
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What about the woman in pakistan who is under sentence of death over the water drinking incident?


Pakistan may have a majority of Muslims but everybody agrees that their Islam is embedded in culture that is contrary to the principles of Islam.

Let's take a look at Pakistani weddings. Most of the wedding traditions are taken from Hinduism and are not allowed in Islam, yet this is a MUST for all the families to follow. The new generations are breaking these rules slowly but surely.

Also marriage amongst cousins only are starting to be shattered as the newer generations have access to original islamic sources a lot more.


Pakistan is very much a tribal country where a lot of the indian influences persist. Things will change but it will take time.

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In Islam, no one is superior to another being except from his faith level. There should be no colour or race discrimination, rich or poor discrimination, as all is measured in piety.


One great exception where all muslim people are not equal under muslim law.

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And how many witnesses does a woman need to prove rape? without those witnesses she's accused of being an adultress and we all know what the sentence is.


Read again the fatwa I posted, first paragraph talks about if there are not 4 witnesses.

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Pakistan may have a majority of Muslims but everybody agrees that their Islam is embedded in culture that is contrary to the principles of Islam.

Let's take a look at Pakistani weddings. Most of the wedding traditions are taken from Hinduism and are not allowed in Islam, yet this is a MUST for all the families to follow. The new generations are breaking these rules slowly but surely.

Also marriage amongst cousins only are starting to be shattered as the newer generations have access to original islamic sources a lot more.


Pakistan is very much a tribal country where a lot of the indian influences persist. Things will change but it will take time.

Always someone else to blame, your answer is without foundation as it does not address my question, I'm talking about acts carried out in the name of Islam which is what this woman has been sentenced under.

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