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Muslim converts, why is this happening?

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Christianity plays a very small part in everyday life in the UK as the power of the church was virtualy erased during the reign of Henry VIII some 600 years ago.



Just before I go... Islam has such a power on people, you should go to a Mosque for dawn prayer and see how many people are praying there in congregation like it is commanded.

You would be surprised as well on how not religious are a lot of Asians. All they have kept is their traditions and since they are a minority that have not always been well treated in this country, they stick together.

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Can you give me a link to this story please.




EDIT: the 'derogatory comment' was reportedly "What did Mohammed do, when Jesus sacrificed himself for Man's sins?"


I'm not religious, which might expain why I am singularly failing to see how the above could ever be deemed 'derogatory' in any way (never mind to the extent of justifying a death sentence, inasmuch as any death sentence could ever be justified).


I'm not communist either, but Karl Marx was oh-so-right: religion really is the opium of the masses. :(

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Can you give me a link to this story please.
It has been widely publicised on the news and muslim men when interviewed were threatening riots etc if she is spared. But even more disgusting is that it was a woman who first denounced her, obviously out to gain favour. .
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EDIT: the 'derogatory comment' was reportedly "What did Mohammed do, when Jesus sacrificed himself form Man's sins?"


I'm not religious, and am singularly failing to see how the above can be deemed 'derogatory' (to the extent of justifying a death sentence, inasmuch as any death sentence could ever be justified).

Well it isn't quite as serious as calling a Teddy bear Mohamed is it.

I know if I were a woman convert to Islam I'd be a little worried about being cooned into a trip to any of the asian countries especialy if I'd rowed with my owner (husband).

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It has been widely publicised on the news and muslim men when interviewed were threatening riots etc if she is spared. But even more disgusting is that it was a woman who first denounced her, obviously out to gain favour. .


First of all, the one who stated that water from a non muslim is impure has not based this on Islam. It's his own fantasy and hatred.


Now, let's get that clear. You are judging here Islam, right? What is the punishment for blasphemy in Christiannity? I don't care whether people apply it or not, I want to talk about what God says in the scripture because this has more value than what anyone thinks and says.


Christians and Jews: And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: [book of Leviticus 24:16]


Hindus: If a man born of a lower class intentionally bothers a priest, the king should punish him physically with various forms of corporal and capital punishment that make men shudder.” [Manusmriti 9:248]


Muslims: The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;” [surah Al-Maidah 5:33]



So basically, even if they wanted to carry out a blasphemy punishment, they can choose to just exile this lady.

It is quite rich coming from a country such as Pakistan which has so many innovations in its Islam. Like they say in that wiki link, everything points more to a vendetta against this person and her family because of the land dispute.


Anyway, the question would be does Pakistan have any authority and right to apply shariah law? Is it a khilafah or part of a khilafah? I think not. Then they should not carry out punishments against non Muslims. This is not allowed.

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Well it isn't quite as serious as calling a Teddy bear Mohamed is it.

I know if I were a woman convert to Islam I'd be a little worried about being cooned into a trip to any of the asian countries especialy if I'd rowed with my owner (husband).


You are really ignorant. Do you think my husband is my owner? Maybe so in Christiannity, and definitely so in Judaism (I was Jewish). In Islam, the woman has control of her finances and her inheritance, she is her own master and doesn't have to become a Mrs X, she keeps her identity, and she has the freedom of learning everything from her religion not like the Jewish and Christian women who are excluded from studies....

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