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Muslim converts, why is this happening?

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Perhaps it gives them protection from the Muslim gangs that want to rape and abuse 'immoral' white girls. The Times has it as their top story today.


Here is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's comment.


I stand to be corrected but most White female converts are adult females...not children. It's children that are being targeted, so the connection with White women conversion and child rape is a thinly disguised one as child rape/grooming certainly isn't isolated to faith, religion or colour.

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Perhaps it gives them protection from the Muslim gangs that want to rape and abuse 'immoral' white girls. The Times has it as their top story today.


Here is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's comment.


From your link:



Conscientious Asian community activists in Derby have said that these criminal acts were nothing to do with race or religion. The perpetrators were bad men who did terrible things. That is surely self-delusion or a cover-up.




Let's begin then. Because without such an open conversation, prejudices fester and millions of Britons come to believe that serious offenders from certain ethnic and religious groups have protected status within our country.



This is what I was saying the other week before being trolled.


Some bad people who claim to be religious do things in the name of their religion are protected on the simple fact of religion just to protect the religions name.


If I say a group of Muslims did this, it isn't because I think that all Muslims are like that, don't be extremely daft now, it's because as a group of Muslims they did such things.



In addition to the story, I know a couple of groups of Muslim dealers who say that they are doing Gods work by helping these infidels ruin their lives. One even stated that he'll get his 50 virgins in heaven! Stupid thing is, I honestly don't know anyone with less hypocritical morals than him, yet he always quotes the Qu'ran.

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All religions brainwash the weak minded one way or another. Some people are just more vulnerable than others, so can be lulled into more extreme and out of date religions, like Islam.


Claptrap- its common to find educated british women (especially from universities) converting- simply because they learn Islam for themselves given the negative publicity it gets.


The media on one hand gives Islam a bad press and at the sametime, ignites interest from ppl who, on investigating for themselves, become muslims!!:hihi:

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Perhaps it gives them protection from the Muslim gangs that want to rape and abuse 'immoral' white girls. The Times has it as their top story today.


Here is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's comment.


Papers tend to take a minority and portray them as the majority.

When you believe that, you have to believe most British blokes are called Gary Glitter and go to Asia to bonk little girls.


Do you believe that and, if not, ask yourself why.

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I have a sneaky feeling Lynne Ali converted for her boyfriend.


Why are white women converting? Has anyone looked into this religion? Has anyone read the Koran?


I don't understand it. I respect religions, but it seems one that puts women second is the religion that has the most converts and tend to be women!


That is the assumption you and many make- the evidence is out there from those converting- The Independent ran a story on it yesterday (you can google and find it)- read about educated women deciding themselves to adopt Islam as their way of life.


There is no Islamic State today that is following Islam as it ought to be- as it was in the last khilafa run state. Instead what you see is dictatorship added with culture/tradition and made to appear as being 'from Islam'.


Just read up on the Islamic History- look at the golden era in Moorish Spain.

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Did you read Suba's link (http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/yasmin-alibhai-brown/yasmin-alibhaibrown-asian-men-white-women-and-a-taboo-that-must-be-broken-2146251.html), she states that every "side" does it, it's just that some do it in the name of religion!

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One thing I have noticed about recent converts is their absolute sense of moral fortitude. It appears that they are so keen to prove their not racist or anti-religionist that they over compensate, a bit like Stockholm syndrome.


The thing which gets me about Islam over other religions is that it seems to have been designed from the outset to undermine Christianity, yet is based upon it.





No, Islam is based on Judaism.




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I have a sneaky feeling Lynne Ali converted for her boyfriend.


Why are white women converting? Has anyone looked into this religion? Has anyone read the Koran?


I don't understand it. I respect religions, but it seems one that puts women second is the religion that has the most converts and tend to be women!


That is almost all religions, especially Christianity and Islam.

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