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Muslim converts, why is this happening?

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My male mate converted to Islam the other year because as a couple they were not allowed to stay in hotels together and had a lot of trouble from their neighbours. They lived in Morocco. Funny though, even after he converting and having a traditional Islamic wedding, the general acceptance didn't change, so they moved back to London.


Her father wouldn't even speak to him or her until he converted!


A lot of people convert because of marriage.

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My male mate converted to Islam the other year because as a couple they were not allowed to stay in hotels together and had a lot of trouble from their neighbours. They lived in Morocco. Funny though, even after he converting and having a traditional Islamic wedding, the general acceptance didn't change, so they moved back to London.


Her father wouldn't even speak to him or her until he converted!


It never really does, the Asian lads I know ridicule converts and look upon them as a try hard oddity, over enthusiastic wannabees who will stop at nothing to prove how Muslim they are.

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Why is this happenning?


Why should we even think that this "study" is anything more than BS?


Faith Matters is a religious propaganda group with an agenda. It doesn't require evidence for it's assertions, and provides none.

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From your link:




This is what I was saying the other week before being trolled.


Some bad people who claim to be religious do things in the name of their religion are protected on the simple fact of religion just to protect the religions name.


If I say a group of Muslims did this, it isn't because I think that all Muslims are like that, don't be extremely daft now, it's because as a group of Muslims they did such things.



In addition to the story, I know a couple of groups of Muslim dealers who say that they are doing Gods work by helping these infidels ruin their lives. One even stated that he'll get his 50 virgins in heaven! Stupid thing is, I honestly don't know anyone with less hypocritical morals than him, yet he always quotes the Qu'ran.


I thought it was 72 virgins.....mind you, there is a recession on :hihi:

And who said the virgins were women :heyhey:

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Well I have gone and bought myself the Koran. I intend to read it with an open mind.

I do not undertsand the faith so where better to start. I don't believe the media hype or the Internet.


Just to let you know, when you get to Adam and Eve, and it's Adam that eats the fruit this isn't a stand for women - it's due to Islamic belief that a woman could not have made that choice... The immaculate conception is a interesting bit too! :o

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Although horrfic, this story is two years old! Equally vile things occured in Rotherham, resulting in sentences being handed down to the nonces at the end of last year...

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