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Muslim converts, why is this happening?

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Just to let you know, when you get to Adam and Eve, and it's Adam that eats the fruit this isn't a stand for women - it's due to Islamic belief that a woman could not have made that choice... The immaculate conception is a interesting bit too! :o


Are you serious?

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In addition to the story, I know a couple of groups of Muslim dealers who say that they are doing Gods work by helping these infidels ruin their lives. One even stated that he'll get his 50 virgins in heaven! Stupid thing is, I honestly don't know anyone with less hypocritical morals than him, yet he always quotes the Qu'ran.


I hope all his virgins have water, and all his camels are satisfied. (as a braver man than I once said)

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The Old Testament prophets told of a promised Messiah and the Jews were expecting someone who would save them from their enemies and return the Holy Land to the Jews. When Jesus did not do that they rejected Him.


Jesus stood alone and his message was that the Jews had become corrupted which was another reason why the mainstream Jews opposed Him.


However many Jews did believe in him and so did the Gentiles, but basically he stood alone and his message was to all races. However Muslims reject his claim of divinity and you won't find the teaching of Jesus in the Koran.

Basically to answer your question, no one "introduced" Jesus.


What tommyrot, Grahame:- Isa (Jesus, PBUH) is most definitely spoken about in the Qur'an. his mother, Mary also gets a whole chapter of her own.

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I studied it, and was strongly attracted to it as a faith. I did not convert for a man, or anything like that. That's the long and the short of it.


You are a convert. Is there more on the Forum?


So what part attracted you to the faith? How did you begin?

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I studied it, and was strongly attracted to it as a faith. I did not convert for a man, or anything like that. That's the long and the short of it.


You are a convert. Is there more on the Forum?


So what part attracted you to the faith? How did you begin?




Do you both believe in a single divine creator?

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You are a convert. Is there more on the Forum?


So what part attracted you to the faith? How did you begin?


I wanted to know more, ladydrake, rather than the hearsay and tripe that is spread by the press.


I went to some Muslim friends, and asked them to explain what the Qur'an said, what the Muslim believed.


We discussed our relative faiths (I was a Christian) and the more I learnt, the more I wanted to learn.


I do believe there are at least a couple of people on here who have converted, but I'm not prepared to "out" them. if they want to stand up, that's their choice.

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