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Should all debates be taken seriously?

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When posting on what appears to be a 'serious debate', would it be appropriate for members to minimise or even refrain from bantering and making jokes if that's the only reason for posting?


Would it be reasonable to expect posters to only contribute to debates if they have something constructive to add that's relevant to the debate in order to prevent disruption and aggravating other posters who are taking the debate seriously?


Or does occasional bantering and the odd joke make 'serious debates' more enjoyable for you?


How serious should they be taken?

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Where would you draw the line?

When is a debate not a debate?

We have people who think its amusing to crack jokes on traffic accident or suicide threads, we also have people who find it amusing although not funny ha ha to belittle other posters spelling and grammar.


I think it'd be a struggle to make it black and white.

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Where would you draw the line?
That question could apply to most things on here Willman.

Originally posted by Willman

When is a debate not a debate?

By "debate", I mean a discussion between members who are taking the matter rather seriously not lightly. Members that might have a personal interest in what they are discussing and don't want it interupted by jokes they might not appreciate.

Originally posted by Willman

We have people who think its amusing to crack jokes on traffic accident or suicide threads, we also have people who find it amusing although not funny ha ha to belittle other posters spelling and grammar.

I've been ridiculed on several occassions for my bad spelling and poor grammar, but I'll always give as good as I get when it comes to **** takers.


Originally posted by Willman

I think it'd be a struggle to make it black and white.

But that's just it, Jokes can be very subjective so who's black and white should they be judged by?
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Banter is light hearted in my opinion, not a continued assault and defamation of character.


When we were kids we were told:


Once is funny.

Twice is not.

And three times is taking the ...

I agree with you.


Is it you that's been continually assaulted and defamed spooky?

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Where would you draw the line?

When is a debate not a debate?

We have people who think its amusing to crack jokes on traffic accident or suicide threads, we also have people who find it amusing although not funny ha ha to belittle other posters spelling and grammar.


I think it'd be a struggle to make it black and white.


The other one which you say to bullies is:


When does a joke stop being funny?

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Dont you think that when people start having a go at a poster it is usually they who have a problem and they feel the need to trip them up to make them look stupid and make themselves feel better. A bit like cyber bullying almost.


Personally being quite a serious person, I dont like banter although there are some posters lighthearted comments that I find amusing.I do think that the debates should be taken seriously and if they arent I just loose interest TBH.

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