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Gym Etiquette..

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At University, one of our roommates did a study into gyms/fitness, and one of the areas that he studied was the mens shower area, and what happened.


He spent 6 months observing what happened, and what the men were doing.


He was eventually stopped from carrying out his study after complaints from the gym members - so much for educating yourself

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Hello -


I'm a member at Hillsborough Leisure Centre. You may have seen me I'm the bloke in string vest and plimsoles?:love:


Anyway, before I start my moan I'd like to say that the Leisure Centre is by far the best I've been a member of, and I've been a member of quite a few. The staff are great, the equipment (love the power plates) is good and there's plenty of it. My only moan would be I want a jucuzzi, and I want one now!!


Right these are my observations and advise to other members..


1. Will the middle aged men, you know who you are, please buy some new swimming attire. Your Life Saving badge, that your mother stitched on, is well past its best. As are the seventies style shorts its stitched to. And please get some that fit. Alternatively, please don't sit in front of me in the sauna because its not a pretty site.

2. Will the middle aged hippy type men please buy a full length mirror, then you will appreciate what you look like. A ordinary dress shirt tucked into cycling shorts, accompanied with black diamond festune socks and Tesco toe bender trainers, is not a great look.

3. Will the fit young men who almost lick the mirror as they change in front of it realise, as my gran would say, "those who love themselves the most, find it hardest to find the love of another"...

4. Will the men who like an audience and flex their mussles on the pushy up thing in front of the bikes realise we think you are a bit dim.

5. Please will the gents who get dried in the changing area please use the shower area. Puddles are a little annoying.

6. Will the men who seem to still think they're 6 months old and cover everything with talc please, at least, clean it up.

7. Will the men who combine 5 and 6 please ensure it is cleaned up. I got home the other day and I'd got a bap on each foot....


Anyway, I could go on but that's it for now anyway:D


So that's where you get to, no wonder I can't find you - you've surpassed all your other posts with this one Frank;)

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