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What pain are you in right now?

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I'm not unique at all with the pain that I'm in and I'm relatively good at living around my pain levels.


Thankfully my pain is nothing like as severe as Saffy's. If it was then I'm not sure I could have anything like as good a quality of life as I have at the moment.


Ive read all of your posts and cannot believe the pain and illnesses youve been through. You must be a very strong person.:)

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Of course, the biggest pain of all is Mr Wocky!! And he afflicts everybody on the Forum. :hihi:


I've been in constant pain since the beginning of December< when I got back from Australia _ mainly sciatica but my knees and head have been playing up too! To saying nothing of heartburn and a dose of swine flu




I put it down to old age and decrepitude :hihi:

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My aches and pains are a bit of a pain (sorry) at the moment because I had to stop taking anti-inflammatories in December after finally succumbing to severe gastric side effects. I called them my magic pills as they stopped me hobbling. Had a good spell on them so trying to be philosophical (which I can't be about the side effect of even a small amount of opiates!)

Go on ask me. Please, please.

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My aches and pains are a bit of a pain (sorry) at the moment because I had to stop taking anti-inflammatories in December after finally succumbing to severe gastric side effects. I called them my magic pills as they stopped me hobbling. Had a good spell on them so trying to be philosophical (which I can't be about the side effect of even a small amount of opiates!)

Go on ask me. Please, please.


If it includes tripping on a single cocodamol, headaches, shakes, projectile vomiting for 24 hours after each dose and really severe constipation from even the mildest of opiate doses then you could do with talking to a pain specialist ;)

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Yes to the severe constipation. And I can now take a whole cocodamol without needing to lie down. (Thank you so much for asking)


If you are one of the group of people who have major side effects from taking a standard opiate which works by the opiate µ receptor then it's very hard to take enough medication to treat your pain effectively without suffering crippling side effects.


There are a number of opioids which work on a different receptor and don't tend to produce the worst of the side effects so allow you to actually take a large enough dose to aid against the pain. These include methadone, dextromethorphan, dextropropoxyphene and a few others and most GPs shy away from prescribing them because they're not as commonly used as cocodamols.


There are also a load of different classes of drugs which work in long term pain control without the gastric side effects, but they need to be titrated and controlled by a pain consultant or a palliative care physician, so I'd ask for a referral from your GP at your earliest opportunity, since their waiting lists are usually rather hefty.


I hope you find help for your hobbling soon :)

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Cocodamol and other codeine based pain relief doesn't work for many people.


Your body needs to produce an enzyme that breaksdown/combines with the codeine to produce morphine in your body. That's how codeine works.


20% of people do not produce the enzyme necessary, if you find that codeine based drugs have no effect other than side effects then contact a health professional. You may find pain clinics are of substantial use in controlling pain, they have more experience and do listen.


The main problem people find is that a doctor has only 6 or so minutes to see you and prescribe something, generally its just the usual for just another patient.


Check out pain clinics, support groups and forums for advice.


But always seek professional medical advice before taking anything.


You may be lucky enough to find someone who embraces alternative or complementary medicine. JUST TO BE CLEAR I'M CERTAINLY NOT SUGGESTING ILLEGAL DRUGS OF ANY CLASS.

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