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Is political correctness contradictory?

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`Fairytale of New York` had the word `faggot` bleeped out over christmas on the radio. It didnt last year.


Not all radio stations bleeped it.


If you want offensive, try listening to the "clean" Ronan Keating version.



It was in the news today about the US censoring Huck Finn, replacing "N-word Jim" with "Slave Jim".

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`Fairytale of New York` had the word `faggot` bleeped out over christmas on the radio. It didnt last year.


Id rather they just didnt play it if they`re going to be wrecking tunes because of that.


On some radio stations maybe, but all. I heard the word faggot on that song on the radio over Christmas, Real Radio i think it was.

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i for one am all for PC, if it means kindness.




what i totally object to is being told that i am behind the times for saying something that is now considered "out of date" or has been changed!!




my son was laughed at, at school several years ago for referring to a group of people as "old folks" and told to refer to them as senoir citizens. i dont consider what he said to be offensive!


i call black people, well, black people. but was told off for this the other day. i hate the terms mixed race or afro caribian which apparently is now also out of date!!


if somebody asks me to describe someone and they are white/black/asian/japanese, well i will say so, as it eases the description. if theres some huge black fella with an afro i'm not gonna say "oh that very tall fella with big hair" am i?


my point is that it is often hard for people to keep up with the times when names for ethnic groups, senior cits, disabled (can i say that?) persons, are constantly changed!!!!


theres nothing wrong with saying whatever you like as long as offense is not intended, IMO :)

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This is not the case. It is about the terminology used when discusing such topics.
I'd disagree further. I'd say it's not so much the terminology we use but rather the context in which it's percieved. The Politically Correct like to shame everybody else because for the way their minds work.
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if it was a white character referring to another character as a "little black boy", I'm pretty sure that the PC BBC in their ineffable wisdom wouldn't even think of allowing that.

You are offended by something the BBC haven't done, but would possibly do if they followed a path that you have predicted for them?

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