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Is political correctness contradictory?

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Just wondering but has PC done ANY good in the world? As far as I can tell it has just created more diversity among people.

But anyway, PC is supposed to not offend anyone and create equality for ALL right? WRONG. So very wrong.

To name a few examples:

- In an episode of Eastenders a few weeks ago I noticed Connor (a black character) referring to another character as a "little white boy", or something along those lines. Now, just think about that the other way round; if it was a white character referring to another character as a "little black boy", I'm pretty sure that the PC BBC in their ineffable wisdom wouldn't even think of allowing that.

- I have also noticed people saying things like "parliament doesn't have a fair representation of women/ ethni minorities". Whether or not a person gets a seat in parliament should not be down to their skin colour/ gender but simply their skills, as in any workplace! Essentialy, things like that are discriminating against white males.


Now, I'm not the type to make notes of things like this and complain about anything and everything, but to me, PC has gone too far! It did a long time ago to be honest :rant:






PC offends people that like to offends people without feeling bad. This new PC garbage gives them more of a reason to be bitter.

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You are offended by something the BBC haven't done, but would possibly do if they followed a path that you have predicted for them?


I wasn't offended personally, I'm just sick of how they contradict themselves with stuff like that

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I'm just sick of how they contradict themselves with stuff like that

I'm not attacking you, but you've posted an imaginary situation that you are mad at. Post a real situation and you may have a point.


I'd be interested to know what are the things you would like to say or do but 'political correctness' won't let you?

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I'm not attacking you, but you've posted an imaginary situation that you are mad at. Post a real situation and you may have a point.


I'd be interested to know what are the things you would like to say or do but 'political correctness' won't let you?


Well, it's not that I want to say anything to offend anybody but I just feel that PC has gotten to point where we literally can't say anything incase it offends anybody. I think it's just ridiculous. Also the people who come up with these PC rules don't take much into account like "Are people actually offended?". For example, the CHILDREN's nursery rhyme "Ba, ba black sheep" now can't be sung in schools because it may offend black children. That is just the biggest load of tosh I've ever heard, like do children actually think about things like that? Plus it's these PC fat-cats that put racism into children's minds in the first place. I have a friend who's family descends from India, and the other day I asked him what he makes of all this PC nonsense and he thought it was ridiculous.

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For example, the CHILDREN's nursery rhyme "Ba, ba black sheep" now can't be sung in schools because it may offend black children.

Even if this did happen, it would be a misuse of political correctness. In the only article I can find for anyone justifying changing the words, it was so children could learn more adjectives in the song than 'black'. It wasn't changed to avoid offending anyone. BBC (2006) - Nursery opts for 'rainbow' sheep


But the charity running the nurseries, Parents and Children Together (Pact), said the move was educational, not motivated by racial concerns.


Pact said children were encouraged to use a wide range of words in songs.


[...] "This encourages the children to extend their vocabulary and use up some energy."

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From the book 'Politically Correct Bedtime Stories' by James Finn Garner.


From Amazon.com review:


James Finn Garner has taken 12 time-tested tales and retold them with the newfound sensitivity of our times.


[...] Leap into a fairy-tale world where trolls are "dirt-accomplished and odor-enhanced," witches are "kindness-impaired," and Cinderella wears a gown "woven of silk stolen from unsuspecting silkworms."

You're mistaking satire for reality, I believe.

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