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Is political correctness contradictory?

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BBC (2006) - Nursery opts for 'rainbow' sheep


But the charity running the nurseries, Parents and Children Together (Pact),
said the move was educational, not motivated by racial concerns.

Pact said children were encouraged to use a wide range of words in songs.


[...] "This encourages the children to extend their vocabulary and use up some energy."


Yeah, whatever :roll:

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From the book 'Politically Correct Bedtime Stories' by James Finn Garner.


From Amazon.com review:


James Finn Garner has taken 12 time-tested tales and retold them with the newfound sensitivity of our times.


[...] Leap into a fairy-tale world where trolls are "dirt-accomplished and odor-enhanced," witches are "kindness-impaired," and Cinderella wears a gown "woven of silk stolen from unsuspecting silkworms."

You're mistaking satire for reality, I believe.


I have a copy of the book. Well worth an hour of your time :)

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`Fairytale of New York` had the word `faggot` bleeped out over christmas on the radio. It didnt last year.


Id rather they just didnt play it if they`re going to be wrecking tunes because of that.


THe same happens whenever money for nothing is played!, even mark knopfler hasn't sung the correct line since the eighties.

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Personally i hate political correctness it smacks of conformity to me and that can only be a bad thing for society in the long run it erodes freedoms and is only a few steps away from bringing 1984 to life.

I'll say what i feel like saying and doing and i'll censor myself when appropriate.

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