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EDL leader is convicted paedophile

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There you are my dear, http://www.democracyforum.co.uk/bnp/86564-richard-price-edl-co-ordinator-placed-sex-offenders-register.html he is not accused but a convicted paedo and is already on the sex offenders register, care to defend the scum? Your stage sir;) This is going to be good:hihi:

you lose sir....he did say a reliable news site..somehow I dont think any forum can claim to be that.

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you lose sir....he did say a reliable news site..somehow I dont think any forum can claim to be that.

If you had read the forum the article quoted is from the Times sir, I trust that a little more than someone who just makes things up, wouldn't you?

Are you denying he is a convicted Paedo?

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you lose sir....he did say a reliable news site..somehow I dont think any forum can claim to be that.


Source: The Times (paywalled)


If you have a times subscription, you can check it yourself.


Also reported on Indymedia (which also mentions the times)

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Perverts are found amongst all demographic groups, this much has already been admitted by most.


Does the prevalence and acceptance of perversion exist to the same extent in all cultural,ethnic,religious and class groups?


Does the prevalence and acceptance of perversion exist to the same extent across all political philosophies?


The Left have form, not insofar as being unfortunate in having the occasional Paedophile among their ranks, but in their ideological support for Sexual Liberation even for Paedophiles.


1968ers sexualised children to avoid 'bourgeois' shame culture


Read the article you will be sickened by the Pro Paedophile Left/Green axis

The 60's Leftist hero Cohn-Bendit actually tried to reason that Paedophilia wasn't a sad and regrettable mental disorder but an example of Ideological Liberation.

Sixties radicals in Germany thought sexual liberation was good for everyone – and that included children...WHEN CHILD abuse allegations surfaced at the Odenwald School near Frankfurt last March, it sent shock waves through Germany’s left-wing liberal establishment...The Odenwald debate has revived memories of a little-known detour in the 1968 student revolution: the sexual liberation of children. This attempted revolution began in Berlin’s leafy Giesebrechtstrasse in the western neighbourhood of Charlottenburg, the home of West Berlin’s second commune, Kommune 2


... In the interests of open debate, the left-wing Tageszeitung newspaper regularly published articles on child sexuality. In one 1979 series, a male author praised the “liberating feeling” of sex with children. A motion at the 1980 Green Party conference sought to “liberalise sex between children and adults”. After the successful campaign to decriminalise homosexual activity between adults, a “pro-paedophile” group called for the abolition of laws prohibiting sex with minors. That debate eventually fell by the wayside and Cohn-Bendit, along with other 68ers, now describes the child sexual revolution as a step too far ...


Harriet Harman was once the Nonce's Champion Harriet Harman under attack over bid to water down child pornography law


...The Daily Telegraph obtained documents showing that she called on ministers to make sexually explicit photographs or films of children legal unless there was evidence that the subject had been harmed.


At the time she made the official submission, she was a senior figure in a civil liberties organisation that wanted the age of consent to be lowered to 14 and incest decriminalised. It also defended self-confessed paedophiles in the press and allowed them to attend its meetings



Rape victimising not only women but also men and children is particularly rife in South Africa. Guardian Quarter of South African men admit rape.


Child abuse is rampant in areas of Pakistan, One third of people in survey didn't believe that child sex abuse was wrong.BBC/UN Pakistan's wall of silence.


Paedophilia does exist amongst all communities, however, some accept and normalise it.


All Political groupings (being made up of human beings) find Paedophiles amongst membership and support, however, some accept normalise and even advocate it.

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Why are you so obsessed with trying to defend EDL members? It's pretty universally accepted that they are just a bunch of hooligans who've found a made up cause which adds a fake legitimacy to their atavistic behaviour.


You'd be better off joining in with the condemnation of their idiocy and general behaviour otherwise people will start to think that you approve of them.


Universally excepted in your tiny tiny universe maybe:loopy: but there are 70,000 people on facebook who think different to you.

I personally in my 40 years of life have never been to a football match and I have never been in trouble with the police for any reason, so how do you come to the fact that they are all hooligans?


And if you seriously think it is a made up cause you may as well go and bury your head back in the sand until it all over:loopy:


Police, politicians and the public as a whole think there is a problem. A few jumped up liberal left wing nut jobs think otherwise.:gag:


And I care less about what the gaggle of left wing loonies on here think than you would believe.

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Universally excepted in your tiny tiny universe maybe:loopy: but there are 70,000 people on facebook who think different to you.

I personally in my 40 years of life have never been to a football match and I have never been in trouble with the police for any reason, so how do you come to the fact that they are all hooligans?


And if you seriously think it is a made up cause you may as well go and bury your head back in the sand until it all over:loopy:


Police, politicians and the public as a whole think there is a problem. A few jumped up liberal left wing nut jobs think otherwise.:gag:


And I care less about what the gaggle of left wing loonies on here think than you would believe.

So why do you persist in posting on a forum where you think so little if people debating with you and they think even less of you? You seem to have too much time on your hands maybe? Is this the normal life people would want if you have your way of people so arrogant and so up themselves with their own self importance that they loose all perspective of civility and mutual respect?

They started off as a group of hooligans and have drawn their support from others of similar attitude, hooligans, why try and deny it?

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If you had read the forum the article quoted is from the Times sir, I trust that a little more than someone who just makes things up, wouldn't you?

Are you denying he is a convicted Paedo?

Its not reliable though after all it is possible to change things to suit for the forum post,he asked for a reliable source,the article from the Times own site would have been reliable ,third party hearsay is not

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Its not reliable though after all it is possible to change things to suit for the forum post,he asked for a reliable source,the article from the Times own site would have been reliable ,third party hearsay is not

So you are denying the guy is a convicted paedo? What lengths you would go to defend the indefencible? What would be different if you were convinced he is a paedo, which of course he is bar your acceptance?.....Nothing, just as nothing was different despite knowledge of BNP sex offenders.

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So you are denying the guy is a convicted paedo? What lengths you would go to defend the indefencible? What would be different if you were convinced he is a paedo, which of course he is bar your acceptance?.....Nothing, just as nothing was different despite knowledge of BNP sex offenders.


If he is a Paedophile he should be condemned, jailed for life would be safer and more appropriate.


I hold no brief for the EDL, they are a State sponsored Zionist group after all.


Can you provide a link other than kirkleesunity?


Any comment on Left/Green Ideological support for paedophilia?

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