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EDL leader is convicted paedophile

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Who's identity, can you confirm please, and which one of them?

What is intriguing is doing unspeakable things to ones self whilst viewing obscene pictures of little children seems an odd way to defend the English culture.


I'm talking about you and john x "outing" glamrocker as a BNP member called Roy, who i presume is a former forum member... a cynical attempt to get him banned because you don't like what he's saying.

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I'm talking about you and john x "outing" glamrocker as a BNP member called Roy, who i presume is a former forum member... a cynical attempt to get him banned because you don't like what he's saying.


How do you feel about glamrocker lifting my posts from other forums out of context and holding them up to ridicule?


been deleted now, but why the chap's obsessed with me is anyone's guess, he's certainly jolly dishonest.

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How do you feel about glamrocker lifting my posts from other forums out of context and holding them up to ridicule?


been deleted now, but why the chap's obsessed with me is anyone's guess, he's certainly jolly dishonest.


Glamrocker/Glamrock/Noddy Holder isn't Roy - he doesn't have Roy's inimicable way with errant apostrophes, and is marginally better educated, but the lifting stuff out of context is typical behaviour.

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Exactly hearsay evidence ,Im not saying the story isnt true but its not the legitimate source the poster asked for earlier.


How about this one: The Times


It gives a synopsis of the story but not the whole thing as you'd have to pay for it.


Now can we get back to discussing this odious beast without the EDL apologists and paedophile deniers playing silly beggars?

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So why do you persist in posting on a forum where you think so little if people debating with you and they think even less of you? You seem to have too much time on your hands maybe? Is this the normal life people would want if you have your way of people so arrogant and so up themselves with their own self importance that they loose all perspective of civility and mutual respect?

They started off as a group of hooligans and have drawn their support from others of similar attitude, hooligans, why try and deny it?


Read again nut job, I said "I dont care what they think of me":loopy:

Do you look at the letter's and then just make the rest up:huh:

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How about this one: The Times


It gives a synopsis of the story but not the whole thing as you'd have to pay for it.


Now can we get back to discussing this odious beast without the EDL apologists and paedophile deniers playing silly beggars?


Well actually I don't see anything there other than a load of gobledigook which may or may not just be a reference to "a blog site ran this story".

I find it very strange that if the story is actually based on facts that the media seem to have totally missed it.


Like I said earlier I saw a reference on a mainstream newspaper's website to a story about Alan Johnson having an affair with a civil servant, but when I actually read the article it simply said that "A blog site was claiming....


So until I actually see someone link to a reputable source that has picked up on this story I will take it all with the same pinch of salt that I do with all politically motivated blogs.



Oh and by the way. It isn't helpful that you feel the need to try to stigmatize anyone who dares to challenge your verion of reality. There are actually people who look at the evidence before coming to a conclusion. You are quite clearly not one of those.

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Well actually I don't see anything there other than a load of gobledigook which may or may not just be a reference to "a blog site ran this story".

I find it very strange that if the story is actually based on facts that the media seem to have totally missed the story.


Like I said earlier I saw a reference on a mainstream newspaper's website to a story about Alan Johnson having an affair with a civil servant, but when I actually read the article it simply said that "A blog site was claiming....


So until I actually see someone link to a reputable source that has picked up on this story I will take it all with the same pinch of salt that I do with all politically motivated blogs.




Any news on Price suing The Times for naming him as a paedophile?


Thought not.


Source: The Times (paywalled)



A leader of the English Defence League who was described as a “political prisoner” after being jailed for violence at a march had already been placed on the sex offenders register for downloading indecent images of children, The Times can reveal.


The far-right group launched a campaign to free Richard Price, co-ordinator of the West Midlands division of the EDL, after he was jailed last month for violent behaviour. But Price, 41, had been convicted in June 2010 of making four indecent images of children, and possessing cocaine and crack cocaine.


That conviction followed an earlier arrest in 2009 for public order offences believed to have been connected with EDL marches. Police were understood to have seized and analysed his computer, leading to the discovery of sexual images of children that he had downloaded. His home was also searched and the drugs were found.


Price admitted four counts of making indecent images of children and two charges of possessing cocaine when he appeared at Birmingham Crown Court. He was banned from owning a computer for a year, given a three-year community supervision order and ordered to sign on to the sex offenders register for five years.


Price, from Quinton, Birmingham, and Collum Keyes, 23, also from Birmingham, were among 12 people arrested when they surged through police lines during a protest in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in May 2010.


When that case came to court in December, Price admitted using threatening behaviour. He was jailed for three months and given a ten-year Criminal Anti-Social Behaviour Order banning him from attending marches outside Birmingham. Keyes, who admitted disorderly conduct, was fined £150.


When Price was jailed, EDL members launched a campaign urging supporters to write to the Prime Minister and MPs to try to “win justice for Richard Price, EDL”.


The Aston Villa supporter, who has also been linked to football hooliganism, was even likened by his supporters to a modern-day John Bunyan, the Puritan Christian preacher and author of Pilgrim’s Progress who was jailed for continuing his sermons without the permission of the established Church in the 1600s.


But today’s revelation that one of the EDL’s leading members has been convicted of sex offences will come as a huge embarrassment to a group that has struggled to shrug off its reputation as a new version of the National Front.


In recent months, particularly following the political demise of the British National Party, the EDL has begun to attract more support. Its leader, who had previously used the alias Tommy Robinson, was traced by The Times and gave his first interview using his real name.


Stephen Lennon has vehemently denied that the group he started in Luton, Bedfordshire, is racist, saying that it has even set up a gay and lesbian division and given a prominent role to a Sikh supporter opposed to Islamic extremists.


Supporters of the EDL had claimed that Price became a political prisoner after he, along with Keyes, was banned from organising, controlling or travelling to any open-air protest outside Birmingham for ten years.


It was the first time a Criminal Anti-Social Behaviour Order, sought by Thames Valley Police in conjunction with the National Domestic Extremism Unit, had been issued to a demonstrator connected to the EDL.


Last month, a database of EDL supporters was published on the internet. Hackers had attacked the group’s database of those who had made donations to the EDL and people who had bought clothing from its merchandise wing.

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Perverts are found amongst all demographic groups, this much has already been admitted by most.


Does the prevalence and acceptance of perversion exist to the same extent in all cultural,ethnic,religious and class groups?


Does the prevalence and acceptance of perversion exist to the same extent across all political philosophies?


The Left have form, not insofar as being unfortunate in having the occasional Paedophile among their ranks, but in their ideological support for Sexual Liberation even for Paedophiles.


1968ers sexualised children to avoid 'bourgeois' shame culture


Read the article you will be sickened by the Pro Paedophile Left/Green axis

The 60's Leftist hero Cohn-Bendit actually tried to reason that Paedophilia wasn't a sad and regrettable mental disorder but an example of Ideological Liberation.





Harriet Harman was once the Nonce's Champion Harriet Harman under attack over bid to water down child pornography law




Rape victimising not only women but also men and children is particularly rife in South Africa. Guardian Quarter of South African men admit rape.


Child abuse is rampant in areas of Pakistan, One third of people in survey didn't believe that child sex abuse was wrong.BBC/UN Pakistan's wall of silence.


Paedophilia does exist amongst all communities, however, some accept and normalise it.


All Political groupings (being made up of human beings) find Paedophiles amongst membership and support, however, some accept normalise and even advocate it.

Wow that will upset the lefty/liberal tree hugging flat earth society. You'll be telling them that the earth is round next.:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:
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