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Ok, who has the flu?

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everyone i know seems to have the flu, its everywhere! ive had some sort of cold thing for a week, lets not suffer in silence, speak up! what are your symptoms? have you managed to see a doctor (rare i know) what remedies can you recommend to others? ;)

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everyone i know seems to have the flu, its everywhere! ive had some sort of cold thing for a week, lets not suffer in silence, speak up! what are your symptoms? have you managed to see a doctor (rare i know) what remedies can you recommend to others? ;)


Ive not had a cold or flu for years. I like to put lemon and honey in a cup of hot water, and drink it.

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everyone i know seems to have the flu, its everywhere! ive had some sort of cold thing for a week, lets not suffer in silence, speak up! what are your symptoms? have you managed to see a doctor (rare i know) what remedies can you recommend to others? ;)


Had a cold back end of November, wasn't too bothered as i thought at least i didn't get it for Christmas...Then, i got the flu mid-December, as you can imagine, i wasn't happy! The flu was bad, and had trouble breathing, it lasted for around two weeks :(

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I had it all over Christmas, but it's more or less gone now. From the symptoms, it was swine flu. I didn't bother the doctor, 'cos there's bugger all they can do for it. I just took paracetamol for the temperature and drank plenty of fluids, the standard treatment for flu.


I'm just pleased that I didn't end up with bronchitis as a result - that would have been a bummer!

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Don't normally suffer from flu but had it this Christmas and my Christmas dinner was postponed until new years day.


Symptoms; Hot sweats, sudden shivering, aching and shortage of breath, 6/10 on the swine flu scale. Having a bunged up nose and having to breathe through the mouth is terrible. Noting tasted right, survived on toast and tomato soup with plenty of other fluids (energy drinks) and stayed in bed for almost a week.


My son also had swine flu so that's what I may have had. He said that the tamiflu worked wonders and made him feel great after a few days.


Its a good result so far, because everything tasted crap I have now given up smoking after 45 years and am determined to stick to it!


I now feel hyper so its probably why I'm posting so late..:D


PS. The dreams are so vivid now I could make a film from them.

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There's a really nasty cold bug which is going round at the moment which has a serious cough attached to it for at least a fortnight.


I know it's not flu or swine flu, mainly because I've already had swine flu (and that was worse, it took 6 weeks and 3 courses of antibiotics to get my lungs sorted out from it) and I've also been vaccinated against both.

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I've been lucky i've not been ill for the last couple of years and for those interested the secret is simple at least it is if you're a bit of a germophobe like me.

I simply don't touch anything that lots of people may have touched when i'm out in public i wear gloves a lot or use my sleeve for door handles an things.

If i am forced to touch something i make sure to wash my hands before i touch my face and things. If someone comes to my house who is ill they have to wash their hands before they touch anything. I'm not bothered much by people breathing germs about since i've found that it appears to be hard to contract flues and colds from breathing near ill people.

I can be even worse than the above but if you follow those rules you'll generally manage not to catch colds and flues.

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