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What would a totally islamic world be like?

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Instead of making a bold statement, discuss your point of view. I have noticed on this forum majority of people don't think too hard, just put a general fact or sentence, and job done...

So much for me who always tried to elaborate my answers with examples. English not being my first language either.

I would expect a bit more intellectual input from my fellow forumers.


OK here goes.


The fact that women are not forced to earn their bread and are looked after ensures a more balanced society where the men have to step up to the mark and provide for their families.


  1. At least women have a choice in a westernised society. Many women want a career and want to work. I'd rather they have the choice, than this Islamic default of being a kept woman. This is in tandem to other oppressive customs in some Islamic states, such as not being allowed to drive, which have nothing to do with respecting the female so she does not have to work. It's about control.
  2. More often than not, there is little choice but for women to work because of economic circumstances, even if they rather would be a housewife bringing up the children etc. so this has little to do with religious belief.


In an islamic state, you would not find the Jeremy Kyle like guys who get up at 12 and smoke weed.


Intoxicating substances are not allowed, which would make people living in it free from any harmful substance, and therefore crimes will definitely go down.


  1. I'm sure there are a great many lazy people who just happen to be Muslims (note I'm not saying because they are Muslim).
  2. Afghanistan, despite being a country that is under the shadow of extreme Islam, has one of the worlds worst drug addiction problems, so the notion that Islamic societies are intoxicant free is as proposterous as claiming they are free of homosexuals.


Also, the various punishments for offences are a real deterrent, so again, crime rates wouldn't be as high as in our society.

  1. Punishments in Islamic states are often draconian and applied unequally, often women are punished much more severely than men, for lesser offences.


The modesty laws for both men and women are of great benefit to a society


  1. Who do they benefit? Modesty rules are only applied to one particular sex, whilst women have to cover up or face a beating, men don't have to cover up do they?
  2. It assumes that Muslim men are so unable to control their sexual urges, that women need to cover up in order that they do not provoke or fall victim to the uncontrollable urges of Muslim men. Often women are blamed if they are sexually assaulted in Islamic countries, and recieve no justice.


get educated, get a job, get married, have children, raise them and retire


  1. You know the vast majority of the UK population manage perfectly well to get an education, get a job, get married, have children, raise them, and retire, without Islam, or any other faith being part of their lives. Islam is not a pre-requisite for these things.


So basically, a clean society free from sexualized objectified men and women, free from drugs and alcohol, free from laziness...

  1. This is essentially racist. You're claim that an Islamic society would be 'clean' implies that you believe non-Islamic societies to be unclean. That is exactly the sort of justification used by the Muslim gangs that prey on young white girls, that they are unclean and immoral, deserving of their inhumane treatment. It also suggests a superiority complex, we non-Muslims being unclean, like animals. School text books in some Islamic states teach that non-Muslims should be equated to animals.
  2. Women are sexualised objects in Islamic countries, hence rape within marriage not an offence.
  3. Islamic countries are not free from drugs, some maybe almost alcohol free.
  4. Laziness is not limited to non-Muslims.

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OK here goes.




  1. At least women have a choice in a westernised society. Many women want a career and want to work. I'd rather they have the choice, than this Islamic default of being a kept woman. This is in tandem to other oppressive customs in some Islamic states, such as not being allowed to drive, which have nothing to do with respecting the female so she does not have to work. It's about control.
  2. More often than not, there is little choice but for women to work because of economic circumstances, even if they rather would be a housewife bringing up the children etc. so this has little to do with religious belief.




  1. I'm sure there are a great many lazy people who just happen to be Muslims (note I'm not saying because they are Muslim).
  2. Afghanistan, despite being a country that is under the shadow of extreme Islam, has one of the worlds worst drug addiction problems, so the notion that Islamic societies are intoxicant free is as proposterous as claiming they are free of homosexuals.



  1. Punishments in Islamic states are often draconian and applied unequally, often women are punished much more severely than men, for lesser offences.




  1. Who do they benefit? Modesty rules are only applied to one particular sex, whilst women have to cover up or face a beating, men don't have to cover up do they?
  2. It assumes that Muslim men are so unable to control their sexual urges, that women need to cover up in order that they do not provoke or fall victim to the uncontrollable urges of Muslim men. Often women are blamed if they are sexually assaulted in Islamic countries, and recieve no justice.




  1. You know the vast majority of the UK population manage perfectly well to get an education, get a job, get married, have children, raise them, and retire, without Islam, or any other faith being part of their lives. Islam is not a pre-requisite for these things.



  1. This is essentially racist. You're claim that an Islamic society would be 'clean' implies that you believe non-Islamic societies to be unclean. That is exactly the sort of justification used by the Muslim gangs that prey on young white girls, that they are unclean and immoral, deserving of their inhumane treatment. It also suggests a superiority complex, we non-Muslims being unclean, like animals. School text books in some Islamic states teach that non-Muslims should be equated to animals.
  2. Women are sexualised objects in Islamic countries, hence rape within marriage not an offence.
  3. Islamic countries are not free from drugs, some maybe almost alcohol free.
  4. Laziness is not limited to non-Muslims.


some very well put points.

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