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Peace Protesters

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The people who march in their thousands are very foolish because who knows where the suicide bombers will strike next, it would be very easy to infiltrate such a huge crowd and kill hundreds of men, women and children.


These sad delusioned butchers will attack anyone, innocent or guilty, it doesn't matter to them who they kill as long as they can get publicity for their cause, so why can't the marchers see they are playing into the hands of the terrorists.

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Originally posted by halevan

so why can't the marchers see they are playing into the hands of the terrorists.


Brainwashed by the left wing media and hold dellusions of actually being able to make any difference anyway.

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Originally posted by jayjay03

I just think that many of the protestors have very, very short memories indeed...

are you just going to leave that cryptic statement hanging in the ether(net) or are you going to expand on it?


Peace demonstrators know the truth of the matter...

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