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Why would anyone want to be Prime Minister

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There seems to be no shortage of people who want to be PM... but why?


It has to be the most thankless job ever. If you do a good job no one will give you credit for it, if you do a bad job you will treated no better than a mass murderer. And all the time oposition parties are looking for ways to trip you up. So why does anyone want the job?


Its not the money, many Prime Ministers are already very rich.


I can only assume that it must be the power that they crave after. :huh:

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Some people do go into politics because they geniuinely want to improve society and make a difference to the country. Unfortunately, because you have to be fairly ruthless and self-serving to get anywhere near the top of the policical ladder to begin with, not many people are still filled with the same sense of noble purpose by the time they get into power.

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Some people do go into politics because they geniuinely want to improve society and make a difference to the country.


Yeah but they're generally not the Tories who preech greed and selfishness. Tories = The stiflement of inventiveness, wellbeing and natural progression through public and financial restrictions. (i.e I've benefitted directly from excellent free health and educational services in the past but now we're pulling up the draw bridge so you can't better yourself.)

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Maybe not. They'd be more along the lines of Thatcher, who most famously said that people should look after the others around them.


It is possible that people say one thing and mean another or the exact opposite.

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Some people do go into politics because they geniuinely want to improve society and make a difference to the country. Unfortunately, because you have to be fairly ruthless and self-serving to get anywhere near the top of the policical ladder to begin with, not many people are still filled with the same sense of noble purpose by the time they get into power.


I think the further you rise up the ladder the more you lose touch with ordinary people.


And it always ends in tears.


In the film 'The Queen.' The Queen told Tony Blair that no matter how popular he is they will end up hating him...and they did. Same thing happened to Thatcher and it will happen to Cameron. Already happened to Clegg who has aged about 10 years in the last few months. :(

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