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Freezing cold pensioners

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I think we're arguing the same point, except that you want to bring a skewed political agenda into it. As we've both said, it's good advice, to keep the heating on low and wear warm clothing (and a hat if necessary) if we're just sitting around. We should all be doing that, not just 80 yr olds.


Unless we're fortunate to be very rich, we all have to budget. It's not just the very old people that have low incomes, as Classic Rock has just pointed out.


Quite right. When I was a kid, only one communal room in the house was kept warm and you had to dress up to go to bed (or even the outside lavvy).

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I am pleased that you agree that this government are attacking the elderly by scrapping the warden services that visits the old and vulnerable daily and ensures that they get to see a friendly face everyday. They are replacing them with volunteers if anyone can be bothered. If not I guess they would have died at some stage anyhow is the tory thinking. They will soon attack the fuel payments too.
Please don't try your inept political rhetoric on me by attempting to ascribe to me opinions that I do not hold, have not typed and that were never previously part of your comments.


We used to manage very well with neighbours keeping an eye on one another, but of course, people could be bothered then. It's true that everyone will die at some stage anyhow, we all have to go sometime. I myself probably have less than 20 years to live, but what's the point of living forever, if you can't even afford to have the heating blasting on full without handouts from the State? :rolleyes:

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Then why has this situation been allowed to happen,when we had our own gas and electric industry heating and lighting was relatively cheap and no one froze we also had a coal industry which produced affordable energy.Surely we must all except some blame for allowing this to happen,perhaps we ought to be able to hold politicians to account when they anounce thier election manifestos and then renague on them.The party that they represent knows what they are going to say in the speeches,also the party should be held responsible.If only!:confused::confused::confused:

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Please don't try your inept political rhetoric on me by attempting to ascribe to me opinions that I do not hold, have not typed and that were never previously part of your comments.


We used to manage very well with neighbours keeping an eye on one another, but of course, people could be bothered then. It's true that everyone will die at some stage anyhow, we all have to go sometime. I myself probably have less than 20 years to live, but what's the point of living forever, if you can't even afford to have the heating blasting on full without handouts from the State? :rolleyes:



You stated that we were arguing the same point ie agreeing with me. You now say that you are not. You should make your mind up!

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The problem can only get worse now that the tories have scrapped the warden services for the elderly.The more vulnerable elderly used to get a daily visit in their own homes from a warden, but the tories are doing away with them. Old people will be left to die, but that is what tories do unfortunately. Tories say stuff like "It is necessary to reduce the surplus population"


That piece of Tory legislation must have passed me by. :confused: However, here's a report about wardens being withdrawn from sheltered accommodation about 2 years ago. http://www.communitycare.co.uk/Articles/2009/01/23/110520/help-the-aged-sheltered-housing-in-crisis-due-to-loss-of-wardens.htm


The removal of wardens has been an ongoing concern for elderly people and organisations like Help the Aged for quite a few years now, and is nothing to do with the present government.

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That piece of Tory legislation must have passed me by. :confused: However, here's a report about wardens being withdrawn from sheltered accommodation about 2 years ago. http://www.communitycare.co.uk/Articles/2009/01/23/110520/help-the-aged-sheltered-housing-in-crisis-due-to-loss-of-wardens.htm


The removal of wardens has been an ongoing concern for elderly people and organisations like Help the Aged for quite a few years now, and is nothing to do with the present government.


It is indeed the present government that has accelerated and widened what was just a tory idea when they were in opposition. The warden services are being scrapped...NOW!

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£400? I don't think so ... :suspect: AFAIK, it's £250 for the over 60s and £400 for the over 80s, living alone. If there are two people living in the same household, it's shared.


It should be means tested and not given to people living abroad, in my opinion. Pensioners who have an income of £131 per week are in trouble though, as we don't get cold weather payments, even though we still experience the cold weather.


Absolutely correct. I believe in paying the same every month for my heating, then we don't get huge bills in the winter. I also think putting our heating on is a priority. But I'm glad its a universal benefit, as if it was means tested, people on just a few £ more than pension credit might not get it. However I agree that it shouldn't be paid to those living outside the UK.

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Remind me again: Last winter was pretty cold. How much did the labour government provide to pensioners?


Pernsioners usually have pensions. Did the last government link pensions to the average wage?


Didn't the last government have 15 years to undo/repair the damage done by the previous Tory governments?


Which government was it which taxed pension funds (a stealth tax) and thus reduced the value of pensions?


Brown and Blair should be ashamed to show their faces for how they have treated pensioners in this country, despite their promises, never mind blinking book launches!:gag:


Last winter was cold but this December just gone, was the coldest on record EVER. This government have the opportunity to give pensioners the respect and quality of life they deserve. I have grave doubts though, given their recent attacks on the society's most vulnerable.

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