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Is It Socially Acceptable To Hate Public Transport?

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Worse than surgeries or buses are gymnasiums. Nothing so appetizing as getting on a treadmill or a weight machine with the sweat of some slob still on the bench or bars. Passenger planes are probably the worst of all.

I use the gym regularly and flown on many a plane but never caught anything.


Any colds I get are passed on by the missus or the grandkids


Yeah. But buses smell of urine and bottom matter. At leasts gyms have dedorant guys and gals.

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Yeah. But buses smell of urine and bottom matter. At leasts gyms have dedorant guys and gals.


Must have changed since my long ago days in Sheffield. Back then the buses used to smell of stale beer, tobacco, factory machine oil ,cheap perfume and Brylcreem.


Seems like more toilets are needed in Sheffield

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Must have changed since my long ago days in Sheffield. Back then the buses used to smell of stale beer, tobacco, factory machine oil ,cheap perfume and Brylcreem.


Seems like more toilets are needed in Sheffield



Now they smell of bottoms (lacking wiping tech) never had a bath since it rained. And the mix of both.

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Ah yes the public toilets of yester year. The overpowering smell of J-Pine disinfectant, squatting on toilet with bum 3 inches above seat so you wont get the crabs and reading the various witticisms on the walls such as

"No good standing on the seat, the crabs in here can jump six feet"

or "My mum made me a homosexual" and underneath the response of another wag

"If I give her the wool can she make me one?"


A quick pull on the flush chain then a handwash and a shilling tip to the attendant who was busy mopping the floor so that it was as slippery as a skating rink.

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