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Do we have the right to expect the coalition to stick to their word?

Guest sibon

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this isn't about taxing activity though, this is about bonuses, most of which are being paid in shares which appear over a period of several years.


the fear is that the handful of individuals who are actually good at banking decamp to another country and the banks would find it difficult to attract and retain new talent unless they did too.


If it's only a handful that are any good why are the rest on such a massive whack? What did Fred Goodwin do to deserve nearly a million a year pension for the rest of his life?

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I'm going to vote against him so that Clegg, or any other Liberal candidate, doesn't get elected again as my MP.


But by then he'll probably have defected to the Tories and be in a safe seat down south to pay him back for his support. :roll:



he may stay in sheffield and all the tories may get together and divide up their safe seats....

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Much has been made on this forum of the reasons for the Lib Dems shunning most of their manifesto. So, they are a minority party. They can't implement most of their ideas. Apparently it also allows them to break pledges at will.


Today the entire coalition gets a chance to show the country what to expect. Consider this story:


Bankers to pay themselves outrageous levels of bonuses again.




compare it to section 4 of the coalition agreement.


Will we finally see Cameron and Clegg keeping their word?


I suspect not!


It seems that Socialist MP's will get jailed for lying in court to defend themselves, whilst Tory and Libdems Ministers can get away with lying to the electorate at will.


Great our politics isn't it.

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I suspect not!


It seems that Socialist MP's will get jailed for lying in court to defend themselves, whilst Tory and Libdems Ministers can get away with lying to the electorate at will.


Great our politics isn't it.


they haven't lied about anything.


i seem to recall the last lot claimed to have abolished boom and bust, that wasn't exactly true was it............

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they haven't lied about anything.



We agree to bring forward detailed proposals for robust action to tackle unacceptable bonuses in the financial services sector; in developing these proposals, we will ensure they are effective in reducing risk.


Haven't they?

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Not sure that I ever paid any attention to the naive ramblings of politicians leading upto the election. If anyone actually thought that the libs. cons. or labour had any chance of

affecting the bonuses paid by the banks then they need to get on planet Earth. Any legislation introduced to curb bonuses will lose us more in jobs, spending, tax and NI than it gains.

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