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Antagonists on Sheffield Forum

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Do you constantly find that their are a series of repeat offenders on Sheffield Forum whose only purpose is to post infantile or 'jokey' comments in an attempt to belittle the poster and discredit their point with a brain dead remark?


I find this a lot where they poke their nose into a civilised, intelligent thread and ruin it by acting as a provocateur and basically, "winding people up"....!


Any posts that you come across like this, I urge you to use the 'REPORT POST' link to the lower left of the offending / irritating / antagonistic post.


I appreciate that anyone is entitled to post their opinions freely on any topic but believe me, there are a set few out there who really are destroying this forum site and driving good conversation and debate into the ground with their antagonistic and patronising posts.

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If you saw what was deleted, you would agree that the "immature" posts are the ones removed. What you may not realise is that if a post is deleted all posts that quote it are deleted also, so there may be an intelligent comment deleted by virtue of it quoting an immature one. Which has to be done, else it would be pointless deleting the original comment.


Which fact the more devious ''immature'' posters are well aware of as a tactic.

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Some of the "winding up posts" that appear to come from nowhere do add to a thread though sometimes. They start the topic off- or CAN start the topic off in new directions, its up to you how to deal with them. You can take the hump and/or report them or respond in god knows how many different ways to them and there are ways to incorporate the posts into the general argument- everybody adds to a thread and its rare that any comment is totally destructive if people dont allow it to be.


Some of the so-called trolls on here are among the best posters Ive ever come across and can really give a dying thread a fresh lease of life. Let `em get on with it, I say, they do good stuff!

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Forums do have a mix of people, some of the very intelligent ones won't stoop to the sort of patronising putdowns you've mentioned - they don't need to, they give their arguments and leave it at that, others want to impress and will try and ape the ones I mention but they are just not in the same league - ignore the nasties


Jabbers - behave:P

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