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Antagonists on Sheffield Forum

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Thing is, if people know theyre winding you up, theyre goingg to do it more.


Remember Rich? He used to allow himself to be wound up and eventually he couldnt even appear on here without a flock attacking him.


Dont raise to the bait, incorporate it into the thread, use it instead of fighting it.


I always behave!


When I thought Rich was being picked on unjustly I would post to support him, if someone is constantly being berated in a nasty way by several posters then I think the mods should step in, surely grown-ups can put their posts across in a civil manner, we have to remember there are youngsters reading posts and they can think bad manners are the norm.

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In the real world we are always going to meet all types of people. They are not all friendly helpful people who agree with everything that you say. Many of them will be likeable, aimiable people , but not all. Why should a forum be any different?

Why not use the forum to learn about people and learn how to handle them?

In that way you will change your perception of a negative into a positive. Above all...SMILE!:D

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The concept of a Sheffield Forum is fantastic, I love the fact that information can be shared and added to within moments. There is an undeniable hardcore of aggressors on SF who seek to belittle views contrary to their own, I relate largely to threads relating to the paranormal / conspiracy theories / UFO / ghosts.... etc etc anything to do with the unexplained or paranormal gets immediately mocked giving the antagonists more attention than the original post. If people on SF cant accept the fact that we are all individuals that have unique interests and varying levels of knowledge and consciousness then they should refrain from posting anything less than constructive / valid subject matter. The open mocking of individuals for their beliefs is disgusting, it tantamounts to bullying which these people need to address and question their negativity, the slightest mention of a UFO and some "insert expletive here" says, "oh, get your tin foil hats on lads" or some other brain dead comment like that... What if I were to mock their interests, if they were open enough to admit what interested them, im sure they wouldn't like it.... People need to start embracing a little more care and compassion of their fellow man and appreciate that we are all very different people with very different interests and stop being so narrow minded, who knows if they apply this to everyday life then the World could start turning into a better place with a lot less hate...?

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Think of the forum like a pub - when you're new, the regulars don't know who you are, and trust you less than someone who's been coming for years. If you were to then go round all the regulars and start talking to them about how UFO's are real / the world is run by lizards or any of the other common conspiracy theories, you're going to get the same response as you do on here - further distrust and mocking.


Just like the real world, if you want unwaivering support for outlandish interests, you will have to find a group of like minded people. If you turn up to a group of people who don't share your interests and actively disagree with them, you're going to get conflict. It's no different to going into a United pub on matchday and going round the bar telling everyone "this football lark, it's a bit **** isn't it?".

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You get on here the broad spectrum of life as you do in outside world, if you can't stand the heat stay out of kitchen. I THINK FORUM IS GREAT, ESPECIALLY I'M BORED SECTION:hihi::hihi:

tch thats the most boring area.............apart from the classifieds section

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The concept of a Sheffield Forum is fantastic, I love the fact that information can be shared and added to within moments. There is an undeniable hardcore of aggressors on SF who seek to belittle views contrary to their own, I relate largely to threads relating to the paranormal / conspiracy theories / UFO / ghosts.... etc etc anything to do with the unexplained or paranormal gets immediately mocked giving the antagonists more attention than the original post.


So, basically, you want a PUBLIC forum where your views or unsubstantiated opinions aren't questioned or condemned as outrageous or absurd: where everybody says "yes. I agree".


Sorry, but life doesn't work like that. If you can't deal with people "mocking" or condemning your opinions - many of which may be absurd -then maybe the problem isn't with the "mockers", but you and your absurd ideas. And I say that respectfully.

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